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I Ching News

Yijing-related events, news, website announcements: anything time-sensitive

No readings for a week, sorry

Since I’m up to my neck in the technical stuff for Change Circle – irritating but necessary, as the last thing I want is technology getting in the way for people – I need to bow to the inevitable for a week, fill my head with templates and cascading style… Read more »No readings for a week, sorry

Change Circle update

Some 50 truly brilliant people have taken the trouble to fill out the Change Circle Features Survey. Thank you. 🙂 I know this one is a bit on the long side, and I really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. I always prefer taking those surveys where I can satisfy my… Read more »Change Circle update

Yijing software news

Update! What follows is an ancient post, from the days when I still had an unmet wishlist for my I Ching journal software. Then Justin Farrell made us the amazing Resonance Journal, and the rest is history. Do download a trial and give it a go! If you’re interested in… Read more »Yijing software news

I Ching talk in Manchester tonight

A last-minute notice from Mick Frankel: he’s giving a talk on the I Ching at the Friends’ Meeting House in Manchester at 7 this evening. Details here.

I Ching string offer

Over at the I Ching Community, Rosada has just very generously offered to make an ‘I Ching string’ for the next ten people to donate more than $20. An ‘I Ching string’ is a bead set to consult with, which gives you a perfect blend of natural flow and meditative… Read more »I Ching string offer