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Responses to lines

Technology has apparently come full circle: first we made every word count as we laboriously inked, scratched or engraved them by hand; then the printing press brought doorstop-sized novels (and Yijing commentaries likewise); now a phone with a 100 character limit prompts these brief responses to hexagrams, lines and commentaries:… Read more »Responses to lines

Last few laws

… all still from Harmen. Laws 5 and 6 – If you cling to the answer you will lose the solution. The symbolic replies from the Yijing can invite you to endless lingering in the field of metaphors, chewing on every possible piece of information that might or might not… Read more »Last few laws

More laws of Yijing practice

Continuing with Harmen’s Ten Laws of Proper Yijing Practice… Law 3 – Too much is less than enough. “Can I expect any positive movement from P’s corner in the next couple of months?” I got Hex 10 unchanging. I get a sense that 10 means moving with caution. So I… Read more »More laws of Yijing practice

Laws of Yijing Practice

Here’s a challenging post from Harmen Mesker: Ten Laws of Proper Yijing Practice Explained. While I’m unlikely ever to call anything to do with the Yi a ‘law’ (there’s a distinct shortage of rules graven on stone tablets for divination), this is a really thoughtful and thought-provoking article. Law 1:… Read more »Laws of Yijing Practice