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Divination tips

‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination

Yijing, Book of Stories

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Book of Stories

Stories are a big part of how readings work. When we’ve gone round and round the situation a few (dozen) times in our thoughts, and everything is stale and stuck, Yi says, ‘Imagine, it’s as if…’ – and everything changes. How I got here, where ‘here’ is, what paths might… Read more »Yijing, Book of Stories

Questions of choice

I spend a lot of time thinking about what we ask the Yi and helping other people find their questions. This is a bit odd, because finding the question really isn’t complicated at all. It’s not a matter of devising a question nor even really of deciding on one, but… Read more »Questions of choice

Hexagrams and their scale

I started work recently to research a post on Hexagram 23, Stripping Away – a hexagram of loss, whether that means painlessly shedding what’s outlived its usefulness, or having something you’re very much attached to torn away. Looking through a dozen reading experiences with this one, I was struck again… Read more »Hexagrams and their scale

one thing

Just one thing

I spend a lot of time exploring and writing about the endless depths of Yijing readings. There are those little seeds of meaning hidden in the etymology of individual characters, the long resonances across the structure of the Sequence, the pictures to be painted with trigrams and stories to tell… Read more »Just one thing

The real meaning of synchronicity

Here’s an excellent article I stumbled across about the real meaning of synchronicity: Synchronicity and the mind of God: unlocking the mystery of Carl Jung’s “meaningful coincidence”. A quotation (among many I could have chosen): “The universe is a reflection of an underlying spiritual reality; all phenomena express the deeper… Read more »The real meaning of synchronicity