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Divination tips

‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination

Wrong answers?

Very interesting email from Donato: “Dear Hilary, I have been consulting I-Ching for many years, during crisis mainly and therefore for really important matters, as well for less decisive problems. In many cases the answers seemed coherent with the question, in some quite ‘to the point’, in many others they… Read more »Wrong answers?

Why we need divination

Three minutes’ audio: one anecdote, one thought, and a question for you. Click ‘play’ to listen, or if that doesn’t work in your browser you can right-click here and choose ‘save target as’ to save the file to your own computer.

Divination and meaning

Some clarity from the Azande Not long ago, I read an excerpt from a 1937 study of the Azande people of sub-Saharan Africa and their use of divination. It explained that these people built substantial granaries of wood and clay, held safely clear of the ground by wooden supports. And… Read more »Divination and meaning

Chaotic Patterns in Divination

Tim Boucher’s ‘Pop Occulture’ blog is a real find. Here – Pop Occulture » Chaotic Patterns in Divination – he writes about the workings of divination. The gist is that divination works through exposing us to chaotic patterns – like staring into the fire does. These sideline our conscious minds,… Read more »Chaotic Patterns in Divination

I Ching Community: identifying demons

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: Who is “the Devil” in this cast? Ole’s story of a series of readings, giving a very good, practical demonstration of how to use line pathways (along with gut feeling) to go beyond surface appearances, and also how to use supplemental questions.

Without coins or stalks II Podcast #003 – Consulting Your Intuition Steve Pavlina’s ‘Personal development for smart people’ blog is always a worthwhile read: lucid, intelligent and honest. Recently he’s started doing podcasts – and these, too, are several cuts above the average. (And helped along by the fact that he’s a professional speaker,… Read more »Without coins or stalks II