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Divination tips

‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination

Synchronicity and inner work

Reading Steve Pavlina’s blog (always a good idea), I came across a post entitled ‘There is no out there’. It’s about a healer who works by healing the reflection of the other person within himself. Mind-boggling. And that reminded me of a story I heard Stephen Karcher tell – click… Read more »Synchronicity and inner work

woman with lantern in dark forest

Searching for connection

The desire for connection comes in lots of disguises, and various more-or-less-useful sublimations, but I think a whole lot of us are looking for ways to feel connected – coherent – at one with our lives. We need the way we spend our days to connect with who we are.… Read more »Searching for connection

One clasp of the hands

Naturally, lately, I’ve wanted to ask the oracle about my Mum’s prognosis. I’ve done so a couple of times, and on each occasion I’ve received an unchanging hexagram that gave me a very straight, short-term answer. But although there are times when uncertainty and the need to know just overwhelms… Read more »One clasp of the hands

I Ching for scientists

Ian wrote to ask me: “How can an English-speaking science graduate link to I Ching?” Nice question, thanks! The ‘English-speaking’ part is relatively easy: use a couple of distinctively different, good translations. Don’t be misled by the preoccupations of mad natural linguists (like this one) into believing you have to… Read more »I Ching for scientists