And here is a counterbalance to my own new year’s intention to consult more regularly. Oddly enough, it seems we’re both aiming in the same direction – to trust more, and hold onto control less.
‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination
And here is a counterbalance to my own new year’s intention to consult more regularly. Oddly enough, it seems we’re both aiming in the same direction – to trust more, and hold onto control less.
Here is a wholly new approach to multiple changing lines, from an equally new I Ching blog. It’s another method for isolating a single line among the many to focus on. This isn’t something I’m generally very interested in, myself. I take the view that you’re given more than one… Read more »Multiple changing lines again
Somewhat to my surprise, I found one of my favourite ‘personal growth’ writers, Charles Burke, blogging about a day he spent doing palm reading, of all things. Here’s his article, with pictures. I get the impression that he doesn’t take the ‘fortune telling’ aspect especially seriously, but is moved by… Read more »Divination and confidence
Nancy wrote back to me after the last newsletter (thanks, Nancy!) and asked: “I have a question for you–where do the answers to the questions come from: Is it G-D, something in the spiritual realm, etc. and how does this work? Is it the energy that is transmitted from the… Read more »Where do the answers come from?
Many, many people start consulting the oracle when they have one overwhelming question in their lives – usually a relationship issue. The questions nag at their waking awareness, linger in their dreams, and result in truly obsessive questioning of the oracle. The same questions are asked again and again in… Read more »Obsessive consulting
At the heart of every hexagram is its ‘nuclear hexagram’. It’s made up of its inner lines: 234 for its lower trigram, 345 for the upper. So for instance if your original hexagram is 18, Corruption – – then by taking its lines 234,345 you uncover the nuclear hexagram 54,… Read more »Nuclear hexagrams – why bother?
Excerpts from the I Ching Community: Autumn: ‘I asked the I-ching, “Who do we speak to when we divine?” 34 unchanging.’ (Hexagram 34 is Great Vigour, very much an image of personal power.) And on a separate thread… Bruce: ‘Can the Yijing cause you to lose your personal power? Can… Read more »Yi and personal power