Ways to cast hexagrams with awareness
How to be really awake, casting hexagrams? How to stay aware of what we’re doing, not slip into auto-pilot from the force of long habit?
‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination
How to be really awake, casting hexagrams? How to stay aware of what we’re doing, not slip into auto-pilot from the force of long habit?
intuition is an immediate perception. Analysis brings you to a conclusion step by step; intuition happens straight away. I Ching interpretation involves a mixture of intuition and analysis (which in turn creates more food for the intuition), but it all hangs on a single moment of intuition, when you perceive the connection between question and answer.
Especially when you’re getting started with the I Ching, it can be hard to know what to ask – or what you can ask – or hard to put your question into words. Hence the ‘Suggested questions’ page here, which offers ideas for questions on anything from relationships with your… Read more »New for members: Question Guide as pdf
It’s a cliché of every I Ching introduction: the oracle is an aid to decision-making. Of course, it’s also perfectly true. Historically, the ancient Chinese divined on decisions about marriage, warfare, whether to open the fields, what to offer to the ancestors. Nowadays people consult the I Ching on which job to take, whether to buy a house, whether to stick with a relationship or leave it…
I’ve been hearing from quite a few people lately who are wondering what to do when they’re consulting the I Ching, and their coins behave oddly. What if one rolls away? What if it ends up under the furniture? Or propped up against something so it doesn’t land flat? Of… Read more »I Ching coins questions
One of the trickier aspects of interpreting an I Ching reading has to be working out what scale the oracle’s using. By which I mean, if it says ‘good fortune’, is that a lottery win or a pot of jam in the raffle (for instance)? Does ‘misfortune’ mean mild inconvenience,… Read more »Grasping the scale of an I Ching reading
Here’s an excerpt from Osho, talking about divination to a student of astrology. He says that it’s possible to make predictions about people only because ‘people live like mechanical things’. (Strong words, but you know what he means.) “If you know the past of the person, unless the person is… Read more »Osho: not predicting the future