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Divination tips

‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination

No time for the I Ching

Ever heard this? “I know the I Ching works, but I don’t have time for it.” Ever said it? I have… which is more embarrassing than I care to think about. Naturally I have endless time to work on readings for clients, and work out the best possible ways to… Read more »No time for the I Ching

Divination with Flickr

Here’s a lovely suggestion from Hollis Polk: divination with Flickr, the photo-sharing site. The images that come up when you search for an abstract quality (like ‘freedom’ or ‘discipline’) – searching the full text, and sorting on ‘most interesting’ like Hollis suggests – come out teeming with meaning like a… Read more »Divination with Flickr

Divination for awareness

You could say that the first objective of divination is to be more aware – have more insight, connect intuitively with the way, be more completely present. That would be true for any reading, even if it’s not the first goal that comes to mind. It’s especially, true, though, of… Read more »Divination for awareness

I Ching Challenges

In my latest members’ survey, I asked: “There are times for everyone when talking with the I Ching doesn’t feel as spontaneous and easy as it could be. The natural flow through asking, receiving an answer and integrating it into life gets blocked somehow. I’m interested in how you experience… Read more »I Ching Challenges