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Divination tips

‘DIY’ tips for I Ching divination

Book of (real) Change

I’m running a free call this Sunday (10th) about the I Ching as ‘book of transformations’. This is all part of the preparations for this year’s I Ching Class: I’m trying to use the free calls to give a flavour of what it’s about, as well as some practical suggestions… Read more »Book of (real) Change

Going deeper

Sometimes, after you’ve looked at an I Ching reading for a while, the natural next step is to ask another question to help you understand aspects of that first reading. And sometimes the further answers you’re looking for are already present in your original reading, if you just have the… Read more »Going deeper

Introducing Divination

This is a 7 minute excerpt from the beginning of last weekend’s ‘Introducing Divination’ call, in which I introduce the call and people introduce divination to one another.  Participants include Lynne Tolk of, Jane English of, and Josephine. (Click the blue ‘play’ button to play, or right-click here… Read more »Introducing Divination

More steps when stuck

I was writing on Saturday about a reading kindly shared by Eric Bryant of I Ching Insights (‘petrosianii‘ here at Clarity). He asked about the effect of purchasing some nicotine-free cigarettes as an aid to giving up smoking; he received first Hexagram 25 moving to 41, and then Hexagram 37… Read more »More steps when stuck

Steps when stuck

Over at his ‘I Ching Insights‘ blog, Eric Bryant’s doing sterling work writing up the whole process of a reading: formulating the question, and interpreting the answer. And in the process, he’s run into an experience that’s pretty familiar to anyone who’s ever talked with the oracle: he’s got stuck… Read more »Steps when stuck