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About keeping a journal of Yijing readings (along with dreams, synchronicities, insights and so on)

Announcing: new Yijing and dreams journal software coming 15th October

======================== Update It took longer than planned, but the Resonance Journal software is now available for download. ========================   Announcing… at last… with fanfare… The Yi-plus-dreams-plus-signs journal software – that’s been in a sousaphone-sized pipeline for a while – is really taking shape now. We’ll be calling for half a… Read more »Announcing: new Yijing and dreams journal software coming 15th October

Four ways Yi works with dreams

A wise person said to me recently, ‘There’s only one oracle.’ She meant that there’s only one reality speaking to us – so it shouldn’t surprise us when dreams, Yi, guides, synchronicities and all turn out to be working together. On reflection… this turns out to happen more often and… Read more »Four ways Yi works with dreams

Oracle bones and remembering

I have a lovely, fat book on my shelves called Sources of Chinese Tradition (volume 1), full of excerpted translations from the Chinese. Chapter 1, fittingly enough, is about oracle bone inscriptions: the earliest Chinese writing, divination records from the Shang dynasty, long before Yi came into being. The bone… Read more »Oracle bones and remembering

reflections and concentric ripples in water's surface

Patterns to look for

… in your I Ching reading journal. Recently I’ve been thinking (with help from some wise and generous mentoring clients!) about what can show up when you review a series of readings. The way they start to fit together, unfolding a single story or interweaving many themes, always gives me… Read more »Patterns to look for