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About keeping a journal of Yijing readings (along with dreams, synchronicities, insights and so on)

Resonance Journal

New Resonance Journal version

If you’ve opened your Resonance Journal today, you’ll have noticed the ‘Update available’ button is active. Click it! Your journal will update to version 2.5.1, which includes some nifty new features. If you don’t have a copy of the Resonance Journal, you can download a trial from here. It’s available… Read more »New Resonance Journal version

Haven’t I seen this reading before?

I’m going to be sharing a few mini-videos of some of my favourite Resonance Journal features. Here’s one about the ‘Cast History’ search. The point of this is that Yi doesn’t just communicate one reading at a time; the connections between readings can be quite eloquent, too. And sometimes it… Read more »Haven’t I seen this reading before?