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Connecting hexagrams

Speculations on relations between hexagrams: the Sequence, patterns of trigrams, nuclear hexagrams, etc

Hexagram 34: Great Vigour

Hexagram 34 is Great Vigour – or Power, or Strength. The old character shows a scholar, or an impressive man, and half the character for ‘tree’. It means robust, powerful, in the prime of life. Combined with the character for ‘great’ – a man standing straight – this gives a… Read more »Hexagram 34: Great Vigour

Gifts, life purpose and Yu the Great

Hexagram 35: Advancing, Prospering, Flourishing – I love getting this one in readings and introducing people to it. ‘Prospering, Prince Kang used a gift of horses to breed a multitude. He mated them three times in one day.’ (There are other possible translations – it could be that Kang was… Read more »Gifts, life purpose and Yu the Great

Hexagram relationships

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series Two-line relationships

Here’s a whole field of study where (as far as I know) we’ve barely scratched the surface. Each hexagram line ‘points towards’ the hexagram created when it changes, its zhi gua. It’s natural enough to go through the I Ching line by line and see how each one reflects the… Read more »Hexagram relationships

Lake reflections

Yesterday some Change Circle members went on a remarkable inner journey, visiting a Lake and a Mountain, receiving some unexpected gifts. (Thank you, Kevin, who guided the guided imagery.) Change Circle members can access the recording from our home page; if you’d like to join us for future explorations, you… Read more »Lake reflections