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Connecting hexagrams

Speculations on relations between hexagrams: the Sequence, patterns of trigrams, nuclear hexagrams, etc

vertical axis wind turbines

Qian as the axis

Looking at a reading the other day, I found myself revisiting (after a gap of ten years) the idea of qian, heaven – the name of Hexagram 1 – as a central axis. It’s a concept that shows up in many ways… What does qian mean? The character qian is… Read more »Qian as the axis

Words of Radical Change

Half an idea about the third line of Hexagram 49, Radical Change – ‘Setting out to bring order means a pitfall,Constancy means danger.As words of radical change draw near three times,There is truth and confidence.’ Overall, this is telling us that radical change isn’t something you get at once, like… Read more »Words of Radical Change

a can of (gummy) worms

18, Corruption, as relating hexagram

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Relating hexagrams

Dealing with Corruption Hexagram 18 is gu 蠱, ‘corruption’: the dictionary tells us its name means snake venom, poisonous insects, bad air and dark magic. A more specific early meaning is revealed in its moving lines: ‘the ancestral father’s corruption,’ ‘the ancestral mother’s corruption’. These are echoes of ancient oracle… Read more »18, Corruption, as relating hexagram

Graph with red arrow indicating losses


This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Differentiating hexagrams

This is another post about the differences between hexagrams: this time, Hexagrams 23, Stripping Away, and 41, Decreasing. Both are about loss, about ending up with less, and – given human nature – we tend not to be pleased to receive either one. But how are they different? Names and… Read more »Losses

two cats cuddled together

Friends and allies

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Differentiating hexagrams

Confusion… Hexagram 8’s called bi, Seeking Union or Belonging (or Union, Alliance, Grouping, Joining, Holding Together, Closeness…)And Hexagram 13 is tong ren, People in Harmony (or Fellowship, Cooperation, Community, Union of Men…) According to the dictionary, we have one hexagram name that means (amongst other things) ‘to share with, join, coincide with,… Read more »Friends and allies

shelduck in flight, reflected in a lake

Pairs and perspectives

Hexagrams – you probably know this – come in pairs: 1 with 2, 3 with 4, and so on, through to 63 with 64. Sometimes it’s obvious why a pair of hexagrams belong together, sometimes less so. It only really sank in for me recently why Hexagram 43, Deciding, would… Read more »Pairs and perspectives