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Manifesting desires?

a thornbush blocks the view out to sea

The listener’s reading for this episode has an unusual premise: Beebee was trying to work out why what she was trying to manifest in her life wasn’t happening. Where was the block? She asked,

“What actions are needed from me in order to achieve my desires?”

And Yi responded with Hexagram 29, the Repeating Chasms, changing at lines 2, 3 and 6 to 53, Gradual Progress:

changing to

Not an easy one to hear…

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3 thoughts on “Manifesting desires?”

  1. So interesting – this question could have asked by me 🙂 I also play, hoping to shower my chosen charities with largesse – but so far, so nothing (and I’ve been playing religiously for 20 years)

    So I asked: I want to give up playing the lottery – good idea?

    I got Hex 17, unchanged…

    From the source, creating success, constancy bears fruit.
    No mistake.’

    Holy heavens,this sounds like I should persevere, surely?

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