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kayak on the river

Changes of heart

At the very end of Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, in its final line, ‘results bring a change of heart’: ‘Enthusiasm in the dark.Results bring a change of heart,No mistake.’ And then at the very beginning of Hexagram 17, Following, its first line begins with an official’s change of heart: ‘An official… Read more »Changes of heart

stepping stones across a pond

First steps into a reading

A couple of things I’ve noticed at the I Ching Community… There’s a natural tendency to jump straight to the moving lines. We know those are the most direct answer to the question, and that their meaning takes precedence over the hexagram as a whole. For instance, if you receive… Read more »First steps into a reading

mouth of a cave with lake stretching out into sunlight

Memoirs and Inner Truth

In this podcast episode, Elisabeth asks Yi, ‘What approach or attitude should I adopt to have the best chance of serving other people through my writing?’ Yi answers with Hexagram 61, Inner Truth, changing at lines 1, 4 and 6 to Hexagram 47, Confining – very apt hexagrams, as the… Read more »Memoirs and Inner Truth

pair of socks

The eight doubled-trigram hexagrams

Eight hexagrams of the Yijing are formed from doubled trigrams (chong gua 重卦) – the same trigram above and below. These hexagrams give us the names of the trigrams. They also – as Bradford Hatcher explained – provide some of the best evidence that the original authors of the oldest… Read more »The eight doubled-trigram hexagrams

abundant blackberries growing wild

Rich in your neighbours

Three lines Here’s another phrase that appears three times in the Yijing: 富以其鄰, fu yi qi lin, ‘rich in one’s neighbours’. In 9.5, you are rich in your neighbours – ‘There is truth and confidence as a bond.Rich in your neighbours.’ while in 11.4 and 15.5, you aren’t – ‘Fluttering,… Read more »Rich in your neighbours

two candles in the dark

Trust and Hexagram 30

In this 27th episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast, Anita shares a reading about trusting her new relationship. She received Hexagram 30, Clarity, with no changing lines – the hexagram made by doubling the trigram li, fire and light: ‘Unchangingness’ can colour a hexagram’s meaning in interesting ways… Read more »Trust and Hexagram 30