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Free I Ching things

piggy bank on beach

Well, this is fun, isn’t it? Shortening days, falling temperatures and prices leaping joyfully as the newborn lamb. So, though it makes me very happy when people buy things from me – seriously, I do appreciate you! – I thought I’d write a post about what’s available here at Clarity for free.

Free I Ching reading

This is probably the one part of the website everyone knows about:
Here, you can cast a full I Ching reading for free. You’ll get the complete translation of your answer, along with my commentary on the hexagrams. (For my commentary on the moving lines, you’d need to buy my book.)

But there is a lot more…

Just getting started?

Free beginners’ course

If you’re just getting started with the oracle – and especially if you often do readings online but have never actually cast for yourself with three coins – the free beginners’ I Ching course should be your first stop. Casting with coins is absurdly easy, and it makes the reading more obviously, tangibly yours. Also, it works during power cuts. It will take you ten minutes to get the hang of it.

Besides how to cast, the free course also has useful sections on finding your real question (this is by far the best way to make it easier to understand the answer), choosing a book (a couple of the best are also free), and getting started with interpretation. You can read it online, get it emailed to you, or even listen to it in episodes 7 and 8 of the I Ching with Clarity podcast.

Help with a reading

So you’ve cast your reading, and you’d like some help understanding it? Not a problem.

You can read more of what I’ve written about your hexagrams – there are essays on each one. Also, I do keep writing stuff here on the blog, and you may well find I’ve had much more to say about your particular hexagram or line. Start with this page, where you can browse by hexagram tag as well as searching.

And for different perspectives – hundreds of them – log in to the I Ching Community and use its hexagram search to explore the forums’ 20 years of archived reading experiences.


And speaking of the I Ching Community… joining is free. As a free member, you can post and participate as much as you like, subscribe to threads and start private conversations with other members. (When you join, you’ll find a short video introduction to show you round.)

Shared Readings

This is the free forum for sharing I Ching readings (astonishing, I know). Post your reading and ask for help (and do remember to come back and post an update), and offer your thoughts on other people’s readings. (This is a public forum – Google indexes all the pages – so disguise personal details as necessary.)

Exploring Divination forum

The place for more general conversations about all things Yijing (and other divinatory systems if you like). The ‘memorising’ and ‘unchanging hexagram’ threads are treasure chests – not to be missed.

Open Space

Open Space is our forum for everything not to do with the Yi, because the internet needs more space for cat videos.


What if you already have experience with the Yi and would like to dive in deeper?


The ‘Enliven’ course, available by email from here, is intended to help you to get the most from your divination and dream journal, however you keep it. It’s a wide-ranging exploration of ways to enliven your sense of connection to meaning, with messages about dream incubation, reading interpretation, and how your journal can become the best Yijing book you possess.

The blog

I started this blog in 2005, so there’s plenty here for you: divination tips, deep dives into individual hexagrams and phrases, journeys through the connections between hexagrams… the tricky part is finding what you need!

I recommend starting at the blog index – the full archive has been tagged by hexagram. You can also search the blog from here, browse by category or by series. (There’s also a Google search box on the main site search page.)


The ‘Learn’ section of the website includes some free articles – book reviews, instructions on different ways to cast, and introductions to a few interpretive tools. Start here!

The I Ching with Clarity podcast

I restarted my podcast last year; you can listen and subscribe here. It’s focussed entirely on Yijing readings: what the oracle is for.

This also provides a way I can give you an individual reading for free (instead of the normal £30) if you’re happy to share it on the podcast. You can book that here.

You can also spend money

We have a shop for that.

There’s the Resonance Journal – thoughtfully-designed Yijing journal software, named for the features that help you experience the resonances between readings, dreams and synchronicities.

There are personal readings. I haven’t opened my in-depth reading service this year, because life’s been full of house-moving horrors that don’t allow me the space and focus I need for those. But I’m still open for I Ching chats: 30 minutes’ private conversation, offering insights and opening doorways into the reading for you. (Any podcast episode with a listener’s reading will give you an idea of how this works.)

And there is paying membership. Think of this in layers:

  • if you’re just passing through, you can read the public site and I Ching Community
  • join as a Friend – free membership – and you can also participate in the public forums
  • join WikiWing (for the grand total of £1/month) and you can also access WikiWing, our jointly-authored, experience-based, hexagram-by-hexagram line-by-line online Yijing commmentary. (And WikiWing members are also welcome to join monthly Well Gatherings – Zoom calls where we discuss readings and hexagrams.)
  • join Change Circle (£10/month or £100/year), and in addition to WikiWing you have access to private forums, free I Ching chats with me, and a library of Yijing courses (including the Yijing Foundations Course which is also sold separately). The basic idea is that whatever I create goes in the Change Circle library first, and if there’s something I can’t just include for everyone – like a live class – then Change Circle members get preferential access and a nice, fat discount.

Thank you

…for being here, and sharing your thoughts or hard-earned funds or simply your time. I appreciate you!

piggy bank on the beach

1 thought on “Free I Ching things”

  1. “prices leaping joyfully as the newborn lamb”

    May I just say there aren’t many people who could make inflation seem delightful, and apparently you are one of them? 🙂

    If you come up with something equally cuddly for “recession,” please do share…

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