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Losing a habit of hardship

Clouds below mountain summit

In this episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast, Rachel asks the Yi how she can ‘lose habitual hardship’ – shift her experience so not everything is about crisis management! Yi answers with Hexagram 26, Great Taming, changing at lines 1 and 6 to 46, Pushing Upward:

changing to

It’s a very lively reading, full of encouragement, warning and the mysterious promise of 26.6:

‘Is this heaven’s highway?
Creating success.’

Hexagram 26, line 6

I hope you enjoy listening!

And if you’d like to share and explore a reading of your own on the podcast, you can still book that here.

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4 thoughts on “Losing a habit of hardship”

  1. That is a very interesting question, with which many of us can probably empathise in these interesting times…in my case though, not actual hardship but many stressful situations piling up. I thought the reading and discussion were helpful and profound so thank you.

  2. Absolutely LOVE both the phrasing of the question by the inquirer as well as the discussion. I have a human design profile with an incarnation cross of ‘Work on What’s been Spoiled’ (Hex 18.6) I’ve had serial unrelenting upheavals and chaos There are great lessons here that seem to apply. Perhaps work on what’s been spoiled in my own thinking and approach to these events? Yes? No?

    1. Glad you enjoyed it!

      I’m perfectly ignorant about human design, but if 18.6 were a reading you’d cast the most important thing would be the changing line – and that would redirect your attention away from politics and authority (not least the internal kind) to ‘honouring what is highest’. It may be less important to analyse the lessons and more important to move on through.

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