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Plans, intentions, and a gift

Fireworks at night

Plans for Clarity in 2017…

I don’t have my calendar filled in with a Grand Plan for the Year, because you know how those turn out. (I’m learning that they turn into colour-coded confetti by about mid-February.) But I have some plans for the first few months, and it occurred to me you might be wondering what’s available when. So…

In January 2017 I’ll be opening for readings – the full reading service, not the smaller I Ching chats which are more or less always available (though not so much for the next couple of weeks, because Christmas). The still point round the turning of the year, the quiet before Spring, is a natural time to go deeper.

I read for at most half a dozen people at a time: I’ve found that’s a good way to ensure I have plenty of time and energy to work with each reading, mull it over and follow where it leads without hurry. The first thing I do when I open is to email people who have downloaded ‘Ways of Opening’ (a guide/ helper for finding your question), so if you’d be interested in a reading in January, please download a copy now.

In February 2017 I’ll start the class on Reading for Others. This will be very small, probably a ‘beta’ version (ie it’s inexpensive and participants will be involved in shaping and improving the class), since while I’ve been doing this for a (very) long time, I’ve never taught it before.

I won’t start anything else while ‘Reading for Others’ is still running, but later in the year I’d really like to run a Foundations Class again. The Foundations Course is always available, of course, and if you’re part of Change Circle you can always get my help with it in Yi Academy or by phone/Skype. But that’s still not the same as being part of a class, embarking on the course together and getting to know one another along the way. So… Foundations Class, later.

And other intentions…

  • share more with you (remembering my reading for the year – zhi 21)
  • take more breaks
  • spend more time with people and with Yi, and a whole lot less time in website-wrangling

A gift

Here are two downloadable ebooks I put together for you:

  • Book of Stories: an anthology of my posts on this theme over the past year, describing how you can use the stories Yi tells to understand your readings.
  • Questioning: seven articles about how we open our conversations with Yi – a mix of experiences, thoughts and suggestions

Both are pdf files, so right-click and chose ‘save target as’ or the equivalent to download them.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Fireworks at night

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