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‘3 coin casting’ video

I’ve taken my courage (and three shiny 10p pieces) in both hands and created another video. This one with my face in…   It’s about how to consult the I Ching with three coins. I had wondered whether to include this in the Foundations Class, when most people are already familiar with it,… Read more »‘3 coin casting’ video

Clarity in 2015

I haven’t made a post like this before, but I can see the wisdom in making public commitments, so here goes… this is what I intend to offer you through Clarity this year. I Ching classes I’ll run a series of live online classes – using a combination of live calls… Read more »Clarity in 2015

Hexagram 63 continued

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Hexagram 63

‘…and now the conclusion.’ So as I was saying… trigrams, in Hexagram 63. On the inside, li, fire and light: vision, awareness, lucidity. As an inner trigram, li tends to mean insight into the nature of the time. On the outside, kan, dark depths and unceasingly moving waters that can… Read more »Hexagram 63 continued