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As simple as possible

Some wise person (who may or may not have been Einstein) once said that everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. Seems like good advice for divination.

Thing is, we do seem to make it complicated. There’s the way we somehow manage to get from spending time choosing the question (to avoid the complications of having to interpret a muddled question at the same time as you’re trying to interpret the answer) to worrying about rules for asking the right kind of question – just for instance. Or how tools for understanding a reading (to avoid the complications created by piling one reading on another) can turn into a kind of ‘to do list’ to work through. Or the rush to look things up  – and not just readings, but omens and dream imagery as well – and add a second/ third/ umpteenth opinion to our own intuitive response. (I do it too. The other day I stopped for a rest in the woods, and found a bright jay feather right at my feet – and came home and started Googling for the significance of jays as omens…)

So… I’m writing a small series of small emails about simple, fluent divination, which you can get here. I’m doing this by email because this doubles up conveniently as an ‘early bird’ notification list for the Festival of Change, and it all fits together with the same basic themes: experiencing the connection, taking delight in the joy of it, being awake…

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