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Living Change I Ching podcast

Here it is… I Ching podcast, episode 1. In future I’d like to add more sections to this – some interviews, feedback, shared experiences, maybe even some music like a real, grown-up podcast. Some of the more in-depth stuff will be for Change Circle members only, but there’ll always be a free part, too.

At the moment, after all the planning, divining, thinking and recording and editing and geekery, it seems quite odd that the result is less than 15 minutes long. Still – it makes sense to start small and grow rather than starting huge and dwindling away, doesn’t it? Also, Yi was helpful enough to give me an unchanging hexagram for my first ‘living change’ reading:

Question: Yi, what do we need to know about holding a living connection to source and meaning?

…well, what single hexagram would you imagine might answer that one? It wasn’t in the least what I expected, but the more time I spend with the reading the more it moves me. (You know how that works.) Have a listen; let me know what you think. Thoughts about the reading, suggestions for future questions and content… all welcome.

And here’s the link I mention in the audio, to sign up for Saturday’s teleseminar.


15 thoughts on “Living Change I Ching podcast”

  1. I like this very much. You are a wonderful speaker to listen to, and I like your thoughtful analysis. I think a short length may work well for you.

    In addition to the particular reading, you provide an example of how to conduct a reading, generally. Thank you, and congratulations on launching this.

  2. Well I enjoyed listening to it but I don’t think I could take your answer as ‘the’ answer, just your answer. If i asked that question i expect I’d get a different answer so how can your answer be ‘the’ answer. If i got the same answer well that would be very interesting…but I can never get my head around the concept that one person asking a question on behalf of humanity will receive ‘the’ answer for the whole of humanity. If you say ‘this is my answer so this is the actual answer’ you’re sort of making a creed out of your own answers.

  3. @blink, @B – thank you!

    Any suggestions/ requests for the next episode?

    @Anon – I agree with you completely, definitely not ‘the’ answer for humanity at large. But it can still be an answer for anyone who happens to listen: one thing to be aware of.

  4. I didn’t know about Magnatune – thank you! Brilliant site with some really good music. I suppose when I start doing a half-and-half podcast, half free and public and half for Change Circle members only, I would have to pay licensing fees (or leave the music out of the paid half!). Still, those are extremely reasonable. (*Tears self away from Baroque lute music*)

  5. Hilary, thanks for the podcast. It was very well done and I learned quite a lot from it about hex 29.

    But – and I realize you’re only the messenger here – the reading itself fills me with very little other than despair, hopelessness, and fear. In order to connect with source one has to drown, repeatedly??

    I have always hoped (perhaps foolishly, losing further optimism) that Yi would help a person rather than desiring them to drown (repeatedly). Perhaps one might conclude that Yi can keep its source all to itself if it’s going to be that way about it? I may be sounding a more flippant here than I feel…I’m trying to avoid the conclusion that Yi is essentially saying ‘abandon hope, all ye who enter here,’ or something to the same practical effect.

    And since today is apparently my day to be a wet blanket…I’ve attended a couple of your gatherings in the past and found them to be quite informative and lovely. I have a prior committment this Saturday, but honestly I would not ever be able to attend a teleconference that requires a lengthy international long distance phone call, and I’m more than a little puzzled why you would pick that particular format – ?

    Apologies for being such a rain cloud…I do read your site quite faithfully and I think it’s excellent.

  6. Hi Lanie,

    About the teleconference – there are actually ways of getting on the call cheaply (if you have Skypeout) or free. The system includes an offer to call you, though it comes with a warning that the audio quality might not be so great.

    But more generally: webinars are great for people who are happy installing programs, buying and plugging in headsets and pressing a button before they speak – which is still a minority. And there’s no webinar solution I can afford right now that works well and is 100% Mac-friendly. There’s a reason why teleseminars are still *way* more popular.

    About 29 – no, not drowning repeatedly, but learning to swim. I think it’s important with 29 to listen not only to the tradition that asserts ‘this is a Bad Hexagram’ but also to the actual words of the oracle.

    It dawned on me today that there is a great, big tradition backing up this reading, of going into the dark to experience the light. Anything from the story of Gilgamesh to closing your eyes when meditating.

  7. Hilary,

    Thank you for the information & clarification about the teleseminar. See that, I jumped without having the facts, not for the first time in my life. Sorry…

    I’ll try to keep what you’re saying about hex 29 in mind (and I will have to look up ‘Gilgamesh.’)

    Also, while driving to work I wondered if Yi might have intended this reading to be a benign instruction to ‘practice’ (as in ‘rehearse’)? I’m truly terrible at guessing Yi’s tone of voice – at least once I’ve been convinced that Yi wanted to smite me with cosmic force only to discover through subsequent readings that Yi was actually way down on the mild end of the hexagram’s continuum (so to speak).

  8. I’m sure ‘practise!’ is part of it – rehearsal is definitely part of 29. Along with,
    ‘Oh look, here’s another learning opportunity, isn’t life grand?’

    Grasping the tone of the answer can be really tricky, I agree. (Danger – of death? of parking fines?) I think it normally becomes clear when you use all the tools at your disposal to bring out the full depth of the reading, so you have more moments of recognition and can set the whole thing in a more complete context. Follow-up readings can help, too.

  9. The teaching was marvelous to listen to . Thanks for sharing it with us. Your explanation was very clear to follow. When the guide knows the way the tourist doesn´t get lost. And you know the way!! Keep guiding!!!

  10. The suggestion to use magnatune was based on the way it’s done on this excellent podcast.
    Check it out___


  11. Yes, that’s brilliant – an amazing amount of work must go into it. Since eventually some 50% of mine is going to be just for Change Circle people, I can’t use their music for free, but the license fees are very very reasonable.

    Music this time – just one track. Interviews and a ‘part 2’ later. Now… back to the editing…

  12. No, sorry, this is one place where it doesn’t transfer. I wonder if I could fix things so it does… buy another Amember add-on and start tweaking…

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