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The Quoteable I Ching

You’ll want to subscribe to the Quoteable I Ching blog, if you haven’t already. Despite the title, it doesn’t just contain quotations from the I Ching, but lovely lucid thoughts on how other things – poems, images, quotations – reflect the hexagrams. Or how the hexagrams reflect in other things.

I enjoyed all the posts so far (this is a bouncing infant blog, just a few months old), but I think my favourite is probably the one on hexagram 23, which turns up reflected in what JK Rowling has to say about failure. (The only thing I’d add is that while pretty much anything we can hold onto is ‘inessential’, it isn’t necessarily going to feel that way when the time comes for it to be stripped away!)

3 thoughts on “The Quoteable I Ching”

  1. Thanks for the link. I linked her to my I Ching Blog.

    On a different note – I am learning how to do more in blogging with WordPress and sometime this Fall plan to more that Blog and add more”stuff.” It is all taking me FOREVER!

    Thanks so much for all your posts.


  2. I like this too.I really liked the Wild Geese poem.No just that one, but that stood out.
    That and the angel in the winter dawn.Can relate to both.
    Thank you.

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