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Change Circle update

Some 50 truly brilliant people have taken the trouble to fill out the Change Circle Features Survey. Thank you. 🙂 I know this one is a bit on the long side, and I really appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.

I always prefer taking those surveys where I can satisfy my curiosity and see the responses afterwards. But the program I’ve been using for surveys here only lets me show you either all the responses, or none of them. So to keep people’s individual comments private, I have to hide away the whole lot. Nuisance.

But let me show you some screenshots of the results pages (click the image for a more legible version)…

First, I asked which resource would most help you gain more confidence in interpreting readings:

I Ching survey results 1

So the WikiWing is the winner here by miles, and finding some easy-to-use Wiki software that will integrate well with the site is my top technical priority. Also, since lots of people put WikiWing first and my contribution to it second, I’m writing that up as fast as I can. (3 hexagrams done, only 61 to go…) That way, by the time the site’s ready, there will be pages for each hexagram ready for you to refer and add to.

I asked separately about the opportunity for creative exchange and contribution, and people felt that WikiWing and the Reading Circle forum would be the most useful. (The Reading Circle will be a private forum within the current I Ching Community – like the Yijing Class is at present.)

Here’s another interesting chart:

I Ching survey results 2

OK – there’ll definitely be personal blogs available from the start to use as reading journals (really easy to write in, just like the forum, and easy to control who can see your entries).

One final feature update:

I Ching survey results 3

It looks as though these extras aren’t that important to people, not compared with the forum that makes it so much easier to build connections across timezone differences. But the virtual meeting room definitely stands out, so I’ll do my level best to find us a good one.

Of course I’d welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions on any of this – features I haven’t thought of, good ways to provide the ones I have, and so on. Also if you haven’t already filled out the survey and you’d like to do so, it will stay up for another few days.

By the way… you know I said this would open at the end of the month? Now I get a good look at the list of what needs doing first, I think maybe I got the wrong month 😳 . It’ll be ready for you by early August, if not before…

7 thoughts on “Change Circle update”

  1. A short time ago I wrote you to suggest that I could provide personal interpretations of oracles for people via your website: interpretations that would either be free or on a “donation-for-a-charity-of-your-choice” basis.
    Have you had time to consider this possibility?
    I would value your response, as I already value your contribution to I Ching studies through Clarity. Thanks!

  2. Hello there Hilary.I want to thank you for *all* your hard work that you do for us.
    Also, I wanted to add that I had difficulty with the survery only becausae I couldn’ easily rank anything so much as just acknowlege my intersts and genral leanings.:-).

  3. Yes, the ranking idea is a bit of a blunt instrument, but at least it lets people convey a general idea…

    I’m sorry, Hanne, I must have missed your earlier email. Thank you for the offer! I think the easiest way would be for you to join the I Ching Community (if you haven’t done so already) and join with those contributing in the ‘Shared Readings’ forum. But do get in touch if you have further thoughts/ suggestions.

  4. Hi Hilary,

    Thanks so much for what you’ve done and are beginning here.

    I am a bit confused, sorry..When you say you have ’61 more to go’ I am wondering about the fair few you have already posted under the Hexagram link under the ‘Learn’ tab. As I’ve mentioned before, these are fantastic!

    All good wishes,


  5. Hilary, I know the WikiWing sounds most useful to most of us, but to me anyway, your contributions are equally important.
    Perhaps I didn’t fully comprehnd what you meant there when I did fill out the survey.
    The more information, from you *and* the other sources–the better as far as I feel.
    I think I felt awkward too, suggesting you actually do even more than you have, even though I’d like it anyway- is another story.;-).

  6. Hi Gillian,

    This is a bit different from the hexagram essays, where I tend to merge together thoughts from lots of different sources, and I don’t generally look at the line texts. So I’m starting over, writing specifically what I glean from name, oracle, Image, sequence, pair, nuclear hexagram, and each line.

    Hopefully this will be both more immediately useful as a reference, and easier for people to add to since it has a bit more structure. Have you downloaded the one for hexagram 47? I’d be interested to hear what you think.

    Proserpine – thanks – that’s very encouraging!

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