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I Ching Class: places available now

The title says it all, really. I’ll be running an I Ching Class by phone and online, from April 2nd to June 15th. If you reserve your spot before the 19th (that’s two weeks from today), you can catch the ‘early bird’ discount.

 All the details are here – and if you have questions, please let me know.

A couple of people have asked me what the difference is between this class and the I Ching Course I sell. The contents of the two is quite similar (though the class is more extensive); the big difference is in how you get it.

The I Ching Course materials are all instantly downloadable when you sign up. Then if you ordered the self-study version you look through the assignments on your own, and if you ordered the correspondence version you email them to me for feedback whenever you like.

Information in the I Ching Class comes to you both through downloadable class notes and reference materials, and also through the eight teleclasses. Each of these also comes with an assignment, but instead of emailing this to me, you post it on the private class forum. I’ll post comments there, and the rest of the group is also welcome to chime in.

So the I Ching Course (the correspondence version) would suit you better if you prefer learning on your own, and would like to space out the assignments over a few months (or years – the course has no time limit). And the I Ching Class would fit if you enjoy learning in a group of like-minded people, and prefer talking and listening to emailing and reading.

2 thoughts on “I Ching Class: places available now”

  1. I’m guessing this wouldn’t work for a wanna-be student in the U.S., right? Unless I wanted to pay for an international call? I’m way behind on my correspondance course and thought maybe I’d do better in a group endeavor.


  2. Hi Chad,

    Actually it’s fine for the US – I’ll be using a US-based conference line, so the Europeans will be the ones making the international calls. The only potential issue is the timing: evenings here in the UK, probably morning for you.

    If a) you’re in doubt about timezones or b) you’ve mislaid your discount link as a correspondence course owner, let me know!

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