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I Ching ubiquity…

Wandering the internet, you never know when you might come across work on I Ching prediction, or ‘life reading‘, or a book excerpt on line theory – or, of course, more I Ching blogging

 Update next day: and more I Ching blogging.

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3 thoughts on “I Ching ubiquity…”

  1. That link to Jonathon Blake was a real blast from the past. Jonathon is a very clever student of the Yi and used to have a very complete library. I wonder where he is nowadays…

    Regarding Yi blogging, I don’t find it that surprising. There is a lot, a lot more people dabbling in Yi divination than they care to admit in public. What we see is only the tip of the iceberg.

  2. Yes – I used to be in touch with Jonathon, too. Why just link to the new stuff? Besides, perhaps someone knows where this superbly-titled work can be found with the figures included.

    I seem suddenly to be hearing of more and more Yi blogs. Maybe this is just an artefact of Google getting better at finding them, or maybe the iceberg’s growing a bit. Interesting to see the different sources people are using (from Legge to a card set) – and the variety of questions. Some of which I can even understand.

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