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New I Ching books

There are several new I Ching books available that I don’t have time to review just now. But still, the least I can do is pass on the news. So…

The first is from Ewald Berkers of EclecticEnergies. You can download a copy of his translation and commentary, as used in his site’s online reading, for a mere $8.95. (Review in progress!)

Then there is The Tao of the I Ching by Ted Harper, which talks about base 8, Fibonacci, binary, DNA, and other things I am in no way suited to comment on. However, since Ted’s been kind enough to send me a review copy, I will pluck up courage presently and try. Meanwhile, it’s available from here (as a Powerpoint file).

John Compton wrote to let me know he’s published a mathematical analysis of the I Ching. That’d be another one I’m not remotely qualified to comment on, so I simply quote:

The I Ching Project – Volume 1-The Secret Computer of the Ancient Gods published by Compton-Kowanz Publications – ISBN 978-0-9554482-0-1. This book contains a series of commentaries, research notes and numerous illustrations. It demonstrates and shows that the scribes of an ancient civilization retained their knowledge and wisdom for posterity within a computerized time capsule of pictographic images. The work shows that the I Ching is not only a book of divination, but a profound book of mathematics and science. It also incorporates the original binary code, which can be attributed to the ancient authors of the I Ching some 4000 years ago.”

If you’d be interested in this one, at a discount of 10% off the normal price of £32.50, drop me an email and I’ll put you in touch with John directly. Volume 2 is on its way.

And over at GreatVessel, Stephen Karcher has quietly brought out another ebook, Foundations of Change, which walks you through Yi’s mythological landscape as he sees it, the ‘tools for change’ he uses in interpretation, and an example reading. This one’s available here.

If you’ve contacted me recently about your I Ching opus and I failed to mention this here, my apologies.

Normal service – which includes actual book reviews as well as just links – will resume shortly.

9 thoughts on “New I Ching books”

  1. A question about ebooks,
    you know, in some things I’m old styled, I prefer to read paper books than reading them on a computer screen, so before buying I asked if it is possible to print it ( I fear strange protections mechanism, DRM and things like that) but I had no answers.
    Anyone knows ?

  2. It depends on the ebook. Mine are all printable, copy-and-pastable, savable in multiple copies, etc; some authors are less trusting and more cautious. Of the three I have here, Foundations of Change doesn’t allow printing, nor does Tao of the I Ching as far as I can tell. (I don’t know where to look for a print option in a Powerpoint file.) Ewald’s translation does, though. Oh, and The I Ching Project is a wirebound book.

  3. I have the same problem as Bashir. I bought one other E-book from Karcher just to find out, post fact, that I cannot print it. For all the time I spend online in the office, I’m old fashion about books and like to read them on a format that does not consume electrons… It is a shame as I buy almost everything that’s out in print but will not spend more money in something I cannot hold on a piece of paper.

    BTW, I second Jesed’s recommendation to any Spanish speaker. Mr. MIranda is a Cuban writer and poet with a strong affinity with the Yijing. A lot of his material is covered in English but he does have some original ideas and, as a whole, the material is hard to find in Spanish, if at all, in one package.


  4. Hello:
    I am interested purchasing the book :
    The I Ching Project – Volume 1-The Secret Computer of the Ancient Gods
    Could you please inform me where I can obtain it?

  5. I am also a fan of Chinese Philosophers. I Ching books help me and my friends everyday. It helps us find our purpose in this world.

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