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Tao of Dow online class

Here’s another neat class idea from Misha Goussev: ‘The Tao of Dow, East Asian wisdom in business’, aka ‘Taoism, Change and Decision Making’. There are ten Monday classes, taught via Yahoo group and email, three on Taoism in general and the remainder on the I Ching and decision-making. They run from April 2nd to June 11th.

The syllabus looks very interesting indeed; I’d especially like to know what his ‘deliberate method of analysis with the I Ching’ is. There’s just one problem: the I Ching isn’t actually among the ‘required books’. Brian Browne-Walker’s version is, but, as you may know, that’s not a translation. So the I Ching itself remains wholly optional, which rings a few warning bells for me.

This class is run online, but still under the auspices of the California Institute for Human Science. So if you’re interested in attending, you need to start with this ‘application to audit‘, and the class will cost you $530. There are contact details for the Institute on that page if you need help.

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