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The message keeps coming through

Last weekend, I spent another few days clearing and sorting at Mum’s house, and once again found myself reminded of her huge productivity. I wrote about this once before: I’d asked Yi what Mum’s power was, and it answered with Hexagram 2, unchanging. So I thought about Mum, and since on this visit I was sorting through and gathering all the things I want to keep, I also thought about what she left me.

It occurred to me that one thing I wanted to read in her Will was, “I bequeath my power of realisation to my daughter Hilary absolutely.” And then, as I was falling asleep one night, I realised that she did.

That was a few days ago, and since then, I’ve noticed I can concentrate for longer than I’ve been able to for months, if not years. Part of me’s been welcoming this development with delight, while another part worries that it might be just a blip, and I might be setting myself up for disappointment by attaching too much significance to it.

So in this context I just cast my reading for the week ahead – my first ‘open’ reading since I had the experience of this bequest. I received Hexagram 2, unchanging.


4 thoughts on “The message keeps coming through”

  1. The message keeps coming through, because the channel is been held clear.


    Its always inspirating to hear from experiences like yours. Thank you.


  2. Greetings

    i thing the yi is suggesting u to spend more time with your mother.
    At a different level of understanding pl take a look at the yin aspects of some part of life that needs to be looked at.

    pl let me hav ur feed back if possible.

    N Subramani

  3. Amazing story, Hilary. And beautiful, too. I’ll bet your improved concentration is not a blip but a permanent gain.

  4. Hexagram 2 – The primal (female) energy used to bring things into manifestation. A deep source on which to draw, a(nother) well held within us?

    Thank you for sharing this empowerring experience and lesson.

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