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Legal warning!

Diviners everywhere, beware. One of my Adwords ads for the I Ching course was just suspended by Google.

The ad reads:

I Ching Home Study Course
Develop confidence in your own
understanding of the oracle”

Ad Status: Suspended – Pending Revision

-> Ad Content: Please remove the following trademark from your
ad: “Oracle”.

The mind boggles.

8 thoughts on “Legal warning!”

  1. Greetings,

    my understanding of the situation tells me that the present day minds know oracle as a computer language or to b more braod some financial tool developed with it.May b it will take time for these young Minds(or can i say souls)to have space for greater meanings as found in I ching.

    pl let me hav ur views.


  2. Yes, no doubt that was it. I just found it very funny. But in fact I contacted Google, and they’re duly apologetic and will reinstate the ad. Maybe someone’ll even click it this time. 😉

  3. Hi Hillary and Everybody – soon every word in all languages will be corporately owned – I’m sure of it! Well not entirely sure thankfully.

  4. Don’t worry, Hilary, you can borrow our Spanish “oráculo” or better yet, use Latin: “oracÅ­lum”… 🙂

    As Cameron suggests, common words are becoming commodities… We better start developing telepathic abilities soon or there will be a lot of liability going around… lol!


  5. Shall we go halves on our legal defence bill? 😉

    It’s a very neat-looking oracle, I like the way it ends up putting the question and answer together on screen. Nice turtle, too. Does it ever generate moving lines, though?

  6. Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to go look! It does show the hexagrams before & after of the moving lines, but I haven’t added anything about the moving lines themselves for the bloggable results. (The answer would just be so long!) But I might add that as a feature for you just to read with your results on the website at some point.


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