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And here is a counterbalance to my own new year’s intention to consult more regularly.

Oddly enough, it seems we’re both aiming in the same direction – to trust more, and hold onto control less.

6 thoughts on “Counterbalance”

  1. Greetings,
    sometimes the wisdommay desire that one should think,understand and assimilate what has beentold.therefore before rushing to buy another copy take a reading thruanother person tofind aboutthe readiness of this individual to b with i ching further.



  2. Hmmm…. It occurs to me that just because something happened *to* Linda and her book, it may not be *about* her at all.

    Perhaps the book was left behind not because she needed to let go, but because the person who found it needed something to turn to for advice or guidance.

  3. Good thoughts – especially the idea that someone else is using the book now. I’ve been known to suggest to someone who was consulting obsessively without absorbing the answers that he give the book to a charity shop. That’s where I bought my first copy, on impulse.

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