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Interesting Yi version

Rosada at the I Ching Community casually dropped in a mention of this rendering of the Yi, which I’d never encountered before. It’s image-based and allusive, and for some reason has been made even more reduced and succinct than the original.

1 thought on “Interesting Yi version”

  1. Hello, I’m the author of the version linked to in your post. (Thank you for the link.) I was mainly interested in the ancient poetic content of the Yi jing, so I concentrated on the line readings, which were apparently the bronze age core. Most versions of the Yi jing, as you know, are from later imperial China, where certain readings got codified and supporting materials accreted onto the underlying core. My version is largely based on work by Richard John Lynn and Richard Rutt. Because of my background in literary writing and publishing, I hope to bring a more consistent poetic focus to the rendering than is often seen.

    Thanks again,

    Tom Christensen

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