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The Mount Everest question

Imagine for a moment that you are a sage, and I have a question for you:

“Will I ever be at the summit of Everest?”

I’d guess that the first words out of your mouth are a question – or several:

“Well, do you want to climb Everest?”
“Have you made any plans to? Done any training? Bought any crampons?”

“No, no,” I retort. “Never mind all that stuff! I just want to know – will it happen, or won’t it?”


(People still approach the oracle every day with questions like “Will I ever be married?” or “When will I get out of debt?” There are many Everest questions – not all so easy to identify.)

2 thoughts on “The Mount Everest question”

  1. I’m in a quandary….. what is the god or spirit for removing bad-energies or “evil-eye” energies?

    I’m the kind of person that can “feel” these energies surround me, and this can and does drain my good-vibes and positive-energies which I fight to uphold.

    I feel the need to bring some ‘ritual significance’ to my daily activities, or wear something around me, which will always keep bad-energies at a distance.

    My question to Yi is ‘What ritual exists?’ or, ‘What is the sacred significance for such a ritual?’

    I look forward to some clarity.

    Marie T

  2. Marie and I are chatting by email. But for anyone else reading this 😉 – I don’t doubt this is something Yi can help with, and I can imagine an answer about this that would describe the inner and outer changes needed to overcome this vulnerability. Whether I’d be able to describe specific ritual/talismanic suggestions on the basis of such an answer, I don’t know. It’s not an area I know anything about. Maybe the answer would be to get a deeper, symbolic answer from Yi and then speak to someone practised in such things for its literal implementation.

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