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I Ching on Tarot

Dodging Invisible Rays » 59 – Dispersing
Here’s a post about a remarkable reading. Pauline Kilar resolved to learn a divination system, took up the I Ching, and found it inaccessible. (Not helped by starting at the very, very deep end, with yarrow stalks and Total I Ching.) So she asked Yi, “What would be the results if I tried to learn tarot?”

Yi said Decrease and Dispersing – 41 moving to 59. It’s a ‘downsizing’ move, a simplifying one, and a way of clearing confusion. The first line encourages her to ‘bring business to an end and go on swiftly’; the fifth promises increase by ten pairs of tortoises.

She says “Wow! That was the most clear, relevant response the I Ching had yet given me.” (And that’s even though, apparently, she’d only looked at the relating hexagram.) And she is diving very happily into tarot. Good old Yi 😉


1 thought on “I Ching on Tarot”

  1. That was the Vega Karcher she picked up, not the Total, but still a hard one for the beginner. As for yarrow stalks, she should have gotten Jane English’s:
    After all, Jane links to Clarity.
    But I wonder if Kilar really read the gua correctly… 59 states “Be like the king who imagines a temple full of images that unite people and connect them with greater forces.” Yi is, first and foremost, a collection of images (the words came later) imagined by a King and designed to unite people and connect them with greater forces. The tarot is merely a card game imagined into an oracle by a few crackpot Frenchmen and designed to sell their awful books – a racket that continues unabated into today.

    (a friend of tarot as well as the Yi)

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