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A new I Ching site

There’s a new I Ching diviner on the block – actually, a very experienced one who’s just made a home on the web, at I browsed to the ‘articles’ page and especially enjoyed the one on Hexagrams 37 and 38. Very good thoughts on pairs, trigrams, ruling lines and more. I look forward to her blog!

2 thoughts on “A new I Ching site”

  1. I liked what was said about time.

    I enjoyed her articles.

    60 lbs for a consult seems like a lot to me so I guess it
    would need to be a very big question or a big

    thanks for the site.


  2. Since a consultation means about 3 hours work for her, she’s charging £20 per hour. That’s very, very little to pay for specialised, personal attention from someone with advanced higher education, let alone decades of relevant experience. Have a look at the fees charged by some coaches, for instance.

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