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Intuition of the heart

Here is a remarkable report from the HearthMath Institute about research on intuition and foreknowledge. People were wired up to all kinds of scanning equipment, and shown a series of images – mostly peaceful, with a few violent, disturbing images scattered through at random. Their heart rate would change five to seven seconds before they saw a disturbing image.

I’m trying to think of a connection to the Yijing that would make this post at least a little on-topic. Well… the heart is associated with the lake trigram, the perfect medium to transmit vibrations. When the thunder is felt over the inner lake in Hexagram 54, the Marrying Maiden, the noble one ‘perpetually flows through endings to know what is flawed’ – she has a kind of foreknowledge.

1 thought on “Intuition of the heart”

  1. Firstly note that consciousness runs on delay and is an agent of mediation in the development of instincts/habits. As such our instinctive side is a lot faster than consciousness.

    Secondly, anticipation is a 50/50 game in principle but our protective nature means a bias to the negative (anticipation as an emotion is NEGATIVE naturally in the form of anticipation of wrong doing. This emotion develops a complement in the form of anticipation of right doing that we label ‘cultivation’. Both the positive and negative aspects mentioned are represented in the trigram of WIND and all hexagrams with WIND as the base trigram:

    46, 18, 48, 32, 57, 50, 28, 44

    Wind shares space with WATER that is also emotionally negative to start with and covers issues of rejection. The positive side is the protective element present in that rejection and so it covers being rejected as well as rejecting.

    Water and Wind share space with a focus on protection.

    In ICPLUS wind is about contractive BINDING, water is about contractive BOUNDING.

    Note that increased heart rate reflects an increase in metabolic rate that will elicit subjective time distortions – speed up the heart and ‘out there’ slows down (as people in car accidents etc know too well). The benefit from the time distortion is in the ability to increase bandwidth to process information.

    These qualities are in-built, forming part of our neurology in that they are derived from the self-referencing of the brain as it maps WHAT/WHERE aka yang/yin.


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