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I Ching Community: What’s the deal with 24?

Rosada asks at the I Ching Community about the difference between the Judgement of 24 – that talks about going out and returning, moving freely – and the Image, that says the ancient kings closed the frontiers so people couldn’t travel. Good things have been said in response. Rosalie wrote:

“You go out into the world and then you return to yourself – much like a 2 year old kid who ventures out but needs to go back to his mother to know he belongs somewhere and can refuel.”

The trigrams of Hexagram 24 show thunder contained within the earth – accepted by it as if by a mother.

2 thoughts on “I Ching Community: What’s the deal with 24?”

  1. Even the squirrel, one of the busiest most task oriented creatures of the forest, pauses in it’s pursuit, and in that moment, listens, observes and steels it’s muscles for the next motion, wherever it may lead.

  2. The Ancient Kings closed the borders at Winter Solstice
    The Authority of the Order of things has your highest outcome in mind.
    The Ancient Kings closed the borders at Winter Solstice. That decree meant Itinerant merchants did not travel. The Prince did not your the region’s. You RETURN home.
    THIS is the turning point on your path, turn and Return HOME.
    Turn inwards and return. Be still and contained.

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