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ICC: Depends on the version that you use

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: Depends on the version that you use A superb thread, with wonderful insights on translations and versions in general, and what Yi might have to say about love or lust through these many voices.

Embodying the Sphere of Change

Embodying the Sphere of Change I don’t have the time now to take this in and write about it intelligently – packing calls 🙂 – but it does provide some intriguing new ways to think about the Yijing. Random excerpt: Each hexagram might be considered as resembling any of the… Read more »Embodying the Sphere of Change

Yi playing ball

Since I first started working with Yi, I’ve enjoyed asking about the outcome of tennis matches. The dual between individuals, as much psychological as technical – it’s something very natural to divine about, and the outcomes teach me a lot about the hexagrams involved.

You may know my husband doesn’t believe in the efficacy of divination. So of course I had to mention to him how accurately I could call a tennis match, didn’t I?

I’m away

Just to say that, while there may still be the occasional sign of life from me here, I won’t be doing readings, answering emails etc for a week or so. For some of that time I’ll be carrying boxes etc for Mum as she moves house, and for some of… Read more »I’m away

Repeated questions rant

Yes, occasionally there are good reasons for asking Yi the same question again.

But here is what usually happens with repeated questions: