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Yijing Dao – ‘The Original I Ching Oracle’ by Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini

Yijing Dao – ‘The Original I Ching Oracle’ by Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini Steve Marshall has reviewed the ‘new’ Yijing from Rudolf Ritsema, which is a revised version of the original Eranos I Ching, the Ritsema/Karcher with concordance. (To be published on April 30th, I think, so I… Read more »Yijing Dao – ‘The Original I Ching Oracle’ by Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini

More Yi blogging

Harmen Mesker has added some entries in English to his blog. One is a critique of Robert Benson’s ‘I Ching for a New Age’, which I didn’t buy when I picked it up in a local bookstore. The general ‘everyone sucks but me’ attitude is feeble, I think, and the basic approach to the text is depressing:

Yi blog riches

Two pieces of excellent news for ‘Yi people’:

Steve Marshall is updating his blog again at On April 2nd (scroll down!) he wrote about hexagram 25, line 2 – something I’ve been wondering and speculating on for years.

I’m (more or less) back

Hello – just to say I am back at work. Backlogged… dozier than usual… but doing readings and giving feedback on ecourse assignments in the usual way.

A novel view of hexagram 29, line 4

‘A cup, a drink, and a plate,
Using earthenware,
Letting them in on ropes from the window.
In the end, no mistake.’

Someone is confined in the Pit – someone reaches them in simple ways. I’ve seen this often enough as advice on how to keep a relationship alive through impossible times… the connection always felt like the one ray of light. But now I have a reading that makes me see an alternative perspective.