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E-Jing-A-Ling Thing Hexagrams

E-Jing-A-Ling Thing Hexagrams – or ‘The hexagrams as you have (without doubt) never seen them before.’ In amongst the barking lunacy are insights. Ever conceived of hexagram 12 as ‘the Cabbage’? Also this page finally tells you what the answer is when a coin lands on its side: the Pi… Read more »E-Jing-A-Ling Thing Hexagrams

Taking a woman?

There’s a phrase in the Judgements of hexagrams 31 and 44, along with 4, line 2: ‘taking a woman’. Its usual interpretation is ‘taking to wife’, though it’s the same word used to mean ‘take by force’ or ‘capture an animal’. What are we to make of the phrase? And does it mean something different in readings for men and women? And what have translators and commentators made of it?

The salient – from Harmen

The salient – Harmen’s Dagboek More from Harmen! This time Hexagram 58 gets the treatment, line by line, and once again we’re invited to rethink what we thought we knew.

What’s a webinar?

I just got an email asking this. Oops – very good question.

A webinar is like a seminar, but online – so participants can come from all over the globe. On the day, I will be sending out a link and global password to ticket-holders, and we will all log in to a glorified ‘chat room’. Unlike the ordinary kind, this has both text and voice chat, and I can also send out web pages for everyone to look at – which means I can display ‘slides’ of whatever we’re talking about. Also, if you come you can make your own recording of the complete event – voice, text and slides together – with a couple of mouse clicks.

Women in the I Ching webinar: tickets on sale

News! 😀 Tickets are on sale now for the webinar.

When: Saturday 25th June, 6pm UK time. (That’s mid-morning to early afternoon across the US.)
Who: Dr Margaret Pearson
What: Women in the I Ching
Where: at any internet-connected computer near you: Windows or Mac
How much: £5 (about $9 US, €7.50)

And maybe I should also mention how many: 28 seats were left when I last checked.

Getting started with the I Ching

I often get emails asking what the I Ching is and how to get started. And while there is enough to reflect on in the I Ching and its traditions to keep anyone engrossed for several lifetimes, getting started with it is absurdly simple.