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Let the Truth Inform Action – Hexagrams 55 and 56

Pointing To The Moon: Let the Truth Inform Action

Browsing to this page on one of the blogs I regularly visit, it just strikes me that – as well as being powerful advice – this reads as something of a commentary on hexagrams 55 to 56.

The truth informing action is like the trigrams of Hexagram 55, Abundance: li, clear light , inside, and thunder emerging from it. And in the same way, the noble one decides legal proceedings and brings about punishments – ends the deliberations, makes up her mind, and accepts the consequences. (“Truth doesn’t care about consequences,” says Adyashanti.)

The signs, the inner vision, all demand one thing – something that is not necessarily going to make you ‘liked’, but with an imperative that is light years beyond being liked or understood.

Yi, being Yi, shows the other side of the coin in down-to-earth fashion in the following hexagram. It’s one thing to know the truth and act from it when you are king in your own city, quite another when you are a guest in someone else’s place. (And depending how you look at it, of course, we are all, always, both…) The hubristic Sojourner, the one who dances his own dance as if there were no other rules, finds that there are consequences whether or not he cares.

I Ching, Yijing, hexagrams, trigrams


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