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I Ching Community: Wrong answers

Susan asked Yi why her gas stove was making a clicking noise. Yi said 50, line 2, and a whole bunch of us who should have known better said no, the stove wasn’t out of fuel.

It was.

So now we all come back to it with the benefit of hindsight, courtesy of this thread that Greenowl started for us:

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: Uncannily responsive answers that are nonetheless wrong: What is Yi doing?

1 thought on “I Ching Community: Wrong answers”

  1. Well although I am a little fuzzy today I will offer up a few general comments on this odd problem. Also bear in mind that I have read through and may be influenced by other’s interpretations.
    This may not be as wrong as it seems. The changing line suggested that comrades might be envious but that they cannot hurt you. From my viewpoint that suggests that someone else emptied the propane tank or damaged the gauge.
    The resulting hexagram is 56, “The Wanderer” which suggests someone should keep a low profile. But who is it referring to?

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