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Marriage in the I Ching – tickets available

Tickets are available now for Margaret Pearson’s return visit on August 6th. Same time as previous webinars – 6pm UK, which is during the morning/ early afternoon across the US.

The subject this time, like I said a few posts ago, is marriage and its meanings. Corny alliteration apart (sorry), I think this is a really good, focussed topic that should provide lots of useful material for better readings. Basically, the more we understand about what the stories and images of the Yijing would have meant when it was first written, the better we can understand what they represent now. So the chance to listen to Margaret and pick her brains about those early meanings is not to be missed.

A small, off-topic example of the kind of thing I mean: horses. When I found a good article on the uses of horses in early China, I blogged it. Why? Because when people get a reading about the constancy of a mare, or a gift of horses, or using the strength of a horse for rescue, or not running after a lost horse… they need to know what a horse might represent in their lives, and why horses are important at all. The more they can imagine a world where nothing travels faster than a horse, or where horses give a crucial military advantage, the better they’ll understand what ‘their’ horse means. My Little Pony just doesn’t do the job.

Other small examples – pigs, for instance, or fishes. Or a bigger one: what sacrifices are for. Some of these things we can work out, of course, at least in broad strokes. Fish in your traps are a good sign; rain at the right time for the crops is vital. And marriage is a lasting union, right? So if a reading holds out the prospect of a successful ‘marriage’, that might be good news for anything from a relationship to a new job to a piece of computer programming. We get the basic idea.

What I hope to learn from Margaret on August 6th is information that goes way beyond the ‘basic idea’. She has the in-depth knowledge of early China, along with ideas on how various hexagrams (like 54 and 37) relate to this, and how men and women can use these images in divination now. I’ll try to weave in some ideas on how marriage imagery relates to other subjects of divination. If you have a recent reading that’s puzzled you with that kind of imagery, do please come ready to share it.

Tickets, as I was saying, are on sale here. 😉

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