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vertical axis wind turbines

Qian as the axis

Looking at a reading the other day, I found myself revisiting (after a gap of ten years) the idea of qian, heaven – the name of Hexagram 1 – as a central axis. It’s a concept that shows up in many ways… What does qian mean? The character qian is… Read more »Qian as the axis

stop sign and red light in the fog

‘How to approach the I Ching?’

That was Nathaniel’s question for this podcast episode. Here’s the reading he cast – changing to – Hexagram 26, Great Tending, changing at line 1 to Hexagram 18, Corruption. As you might imagine, the moving line gave us pause for thought! Nathaniel mentioned a previous episode, the one about Family… Read more »‘How to approach the I Ching?’

fox on ice

Almost crossing the river

A lovely conversation with Roslyn, about starting an online class to teach Daoist and complementary practices to women – about trepidation and confidence, pacing and patience, foxes and drunkenness, elephants and armies… Her reading was Hexagram 64, Not Yet Across, changing at lines 2 and 6 to 16, Enthusiasm: changing… Read more »Almost crossing the river

Words of Radical Change

Half an idea about the third line of Hexagram 49, Radical Change – ‘Setting out to bring order means a pitfall,Constancy means danger.As words of radical change draw near three times,There is truth and confidence.’ Overall, this is telling us that radical change isn’t something you get at once, like… Read more »Words of Radical Change

ungainly goose taking flight


I was waiting on a station platform with ‘cello when I started chatting with a young man with a guitar on his back. We talked music to start with – not that there was much overlap in our experience, but conversation flowed anyway. (He thought I might’ve heard of John… Read more »(Un)blocked