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Recommended I Ching audio, part 2

Here’s the second half of my review of Dr Ron Masa’s I Ching audio program, as promised.

Track 8. When the answer clicks

Some sample readings, providing really useful models of the interpretive process, from puzzlement to the ‘aha!’ moment. The first example – hypothetical, I think – includes an excellent treatment of the way a single reading can apply in many ways and on many levels. Then there’s a simple, real-life reading about choosing an office.

You can listen to the first 3 minutes of this track here .
(Yes, I know it wasn’t King Wen who feigned madness at the Shang court… I’m sure Dr Ron knows, too. Don’t let this trivial error put you off.)

9. Resistance

A clear presentation of the way we resist truths we need to hear – not just in readings. This is another track with excerpts at the above link; it goes on to describe some symptoms of resistance when reading, and some ways to overcome it. Insightful stuff.

10. The trigrams

An introduction to the qualities of each one – not just a ‘shopping list’ approach, but a good clear characterisation, along with some examples of how the trigrams relate in hexagrams.

11. Jung’s introduction

An approachable, plain-English summary of Jung’s classic introduction to the Wilhelm/Baynes edition. There’s a very clear account of synchronicity, ‘the continuous subtle conversation the world is having with us’ (exactly!), and a summary of Jung’s reading. All this is put into Ron’s inimitable style – describing the spiritual agencies of the I Ching as ‘kind of an invisible customer service department’, for instance.

You can read an excerpt from this track on the samples page as well.

12. Author’s comments

An introduction to Dr Ron: his (impressive) qualifications and experience, his maxim – ‘don’t take my word for anything’ – and his approach to the I Ching. He says firmly that he isn’t ‘selling’ the I Ching, but his enthusiasm and sincerity shine through so powerfully that I would be surprised if anyone could listen to this and not at least try a reading – or for those of us who are already consulting, pick the book up with renewed excitement.

13. “Mr Ching saves my life”

The title speaks for itself: this is the story of how the I Ching very literally saved Ron’s life. Or you could say that it is the story of how Ron’s willingness to pay attention to a reading and act on it saved his life.

Summing up: this is well, well worth the measly $19.95 it’ll cost you for the downloads. (It’s also available on CD for $23.) It would make a great gift for a beginner, or for anyone who doesn’t ‘get’ why you consult the I Ching. It’s also worth listening to even if you are not a beginner – for the range of ideas on what the I Ching is, on ways to approach it, and for the sheer warmth and enthusiasm of it all.

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