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What does Wilhelm mean by "It is a great thing to grasp the meaning of the time"?
Something like......We do not always believe / accept the circumstances that we find ourself in. It would be a great thing if we did.
Hmmmmm.....The wanderer returns ?Janice
. . did I say it feels good to have you back??
. . did I say it feels good to have you back??
= rosada -Whatever greatness may exhaust itself upon, this much is certain:
it loses its home. Hence there follows the hexagram of THE WANDERER.
yes, that's indeed true, but separation, being away from love and your loved ones, is the fate of the wanderer. Some say, that a permanent process of separation is what we call growing up: we begin with attachment to mother, then comes birth: the first separation. Then comes the separation form mothers breast, then comes the realization that we are not the only one, then separation from the family, then the separation from our first love (the first cut is the deepest) And gradually, in the process of permanent separation we become a loving adult that does not need attachments for life and love...... I think this is what Wilhelm meant with this.
The 3 books from the psychologist Bolby are very instructive on this: "attachment", "Separation" and "Separation and loss" if I remeber well.
Something like "if we know how to mourn our losses ( the fast fires on the hill) and stay with our deepest love (mountain) we will grow.". We realize we own nothing and have no possesions, we are only passengers in this life.
Perhaps, also, a basic for meditation is not giving energy to your ever occuring thoughts: you sit still like a mountain and your thoughts go like fast fires on the mountainslopes. All you do is watch your breath and let thoughts think themself out untill their energy/fire is gone.
Could it be from finding ourselves overwhelmed by abundance? Too much pressure too may things to do. We find ourselves rushing around like crazy, being forced (pushed) to do things we don't want to do and feeling not in charge of our life anymore...missing out on opportunities?
How does a wonderer become The Wanderer? What impells or forces him to broaden his search? What intiates, opens the Gate to the journey?
There is link I feel to Jilt saying " We realize we own nothing and have no possesions, we are only passengers in this life."
Office 17622,
PO Box 6945,
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Phone/ Voicemail:
+44 (0)20 3287 3053 (UK)
+1 (561) 459-4758 (US).