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This morning I asked (Yi), who or what are you? I was actually more interested in the who rather than the what, but also knew that the answer would probably be closer to what.
61. 1,5 – 4
How do you read?
A simple question comes with a lot of depth if you go beyond coin tossing.
I'm genuinely curious how others might interpret this reading. Have my own thoughts on it, which I'll kick in later.
Thanks for your analysis of why I asked the question. Unfortunately your hypothesis is incorrect, and so your conclusion is thusly flawed. My reason for asking wasn’t sensation seeking, it was opportunism.
bruce_g said:Being of especially clear mind earlier this morning, I felt I could take advantage of such to ask such a question and receive an especially clear answer to an especially difficult question. But you’re right about it being metonymical. It still amazes me, though, that in spite of all your smarts you still can not see the answer as best fit.
Yes, but maybe too much!
I always find your work fascinating Chris, but I can't help thinking that the simplicity is often lost in a barrage of complexity. I understand, generally, the overall substance of what you are referring to and it's a very interesting dimension to the understanding of the IC phenomena. But the answers seem to become virtual books in themselves and surely there is a place for stripping down the meaning instead of incorporating so much.
topal said:In the end, there seems to be so much technical daring-do and fascinating intricate extrapolations but lacking some simplicity. Simple "coin tossing" has been incredibly accurate for me so far.
topal said:Inner Truth is the way by which IC can connect. It best describes the IC to me.
...What I do know is, I'm extremely satisfied with the answer I received.
The I Ching is a means of connecting us to our own Inner Truth.
The dynamics of reality are in the conversion of difference to sameness, the asymmetric to the symmetric - this allows for ease in communcation but also simplifies the difference to be over simplistic. By going for the depth just a couple of times it makes comprehension easier in the long run - the recognition of depth is then through quality associations, simple associations, that bring out the depth.
There are in fact issues with logic in the realm of the symmetric, all due to the LACK in precision, the lazyness involved. See such texts as Matte-Blanco's "The Unconscious as Infinite Sets" or such pages on his work as:
- so you believe but I would say that careful analysis of your methods/results would show inconsistancy (or more so consciousness filling in the dots. The issues with coin toss etc is that you can get the best fit or the second best, third best, 20th best etc etc and since ALL of them can elicit some form of meaning as if the 'best fit') Do you keep a diary of your consultations covering the type of questions and their answer and outcome?)
IMHO this is simplistic point of view. There are 4096 aspects to the question - go through them all; or simplify by just considering the question with the 64 hexagrams or 8 trigrams - and THEN consider the aspects through XORing. Once you go with the depth, after a while it becomes unconscious and known as part of associative memory development - THEN it is 'simple' ;-) --- thats why the focus in some texts on not comming to the IC until after 50 years of experience! - BUT with XOR we can fill in a lot of details earlier since it is part of the material as potentials.
To appreciate the full spectrum of the IC means work. It means moving on from 10th century BC thinking and into the 21st century AD. As with all study, it can be a pain in the arse to start with but as knowledge is taken in so it links up to form a rich associative memory that allows for things to be, to appear, simple.
Hmmm, what was the question Bruce?
61. 1,5 – 4
How do you read?
Chris, I love you, man. I don't care if you see better, or are smarter, or better looking, or have a bigger penis than me.
Whatever you two do to settle that, please, spare us the pictures...
We lose something essential when we lose our sense of awe and mystery (4).
Thought this might make for interesting discussion.
Is there a certain magical part of your day, when your mind isn’t filled with what the world calls you to do, when there is only you and the great space? Very early morning is that time for me.
This morning I asked (Yi), who or what are you? I was actually more interested in the who rather than the what, but also knew that the answer would probably be closer to what.
61. 1,5 – 4
How do you read?
Chris, I was born a child, have lived as a child, and God willing, I shall die a child.
the way of the superior.. hmm
yeh - its all part of growing up. As a child we are all awe but as we mature so we learn and make the implicit explicit, the unkown known. Science does that.
Office 17622,
PO Box 6945,
United Kingdom
Phone/ Voicemail:
+44 (0)20 3287 3053 (UK)
+1 (561) 459-4758 (US).