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I'm wondering how people here work with 34,6, how they take the advice there ? :bows:
But there seems to be great potential with this hex too in that it's a matter of understanding better your personality and the energy that must be redirected in a more disciplined way. I know when I'm battering my head against the wall and being obstinate but I didn't fully realise how subtle that could be until recently. Even when I thought i had damn well waited long enough!
Another analogy, if you drive too fast through a city you will often have to stop for a red light. But if you drive slower (but not too slow) most lights that you encounter will be green. Because it's made that way, well, at least here in this country, I think.![]()
Yes I think you get very near with this. Reading these responses i realise part of the problem is my understanding of what that thorny hedge is. I've tended to see it as outward circumstances, yet now it dawns on me it could well be what I'm doing with my own energy. The thorny hedge being something I'm spinning around myself like a restrictive web - maybe a tangle of habitual thought patterns/responses and so on.
On the face of it the meaning of this line is quite clear isn't it - you can't make any headway, theres no use you trying to force a direction, you'd be like a ram stuck in a hedge - okay - but what are you supposed to do then, just sit back and wait, try to see things from another angle, change perspective ? Again that sounds pretty straight forward yet I can't see for myself really what kind of behaviour or attitude change its counselling.
A tad exasperated I asked a question along the lines of 'well if I can't do anything what can I do' (I know what I meant and I find the Yi usually knows what I mean even in badly worded questions) and got 21,3. I take this as I need to sort out some old and annoying issues, dealing with some frustration in the process.
Westerners always want to *do* something. (I'm the same.) But 34.6 is telling you that you *can't* do anything and that you should be without any personal direction now. That's the whole point.
I think the only thing you have to sort out and bite through is your assumption that there's something you can or should do about the issue you asked about earlier. See, Hex 34 is about power, its uses and abuses, I guess. And 34.6 is telling you you're stuck and you can't do anything. So the smart thing to do is...nothing. Consider this for a moment: what if the only way you're ever gonna get unstuck from this situation you're stuck in is to...surrender? See, if that's the only way you're ever gonna get free, then thrashing around and asking the Yi for different advice isn't going to work very well. Consider also that on this one occasion, I just might p-o-s-s-i-b-l-y be right. I probably shouldn't mention this, cuz you'll be tempted to reject what I'm saying and that'll leave you stuck, right? Serve you right though lol.
Your focus is vague and so lacks precision. hahaha just kidding
If I were surrounded in my 'real' life by folks like you it would be so much easier - folks who tell me to take time and do nothing (well not exactly nothing)
So c'mon Luis how does one install gates and prune hedges on a soul level? Well stopping thinking for a while might help i guess..
On the face of it the meaning of this line is quite clear isn't it - you can't make any headway, theres no use you trying to force a direction, you'd be like a ram stuck in a hedge - okay - but what are you supposed to do then, just sit back and wait, try to see things from another angle, change perspective ?
So there you have it. A lazy person is one who is not aware of their thoughts, emotions and actions - that’s it. One who is aware of their thoughts as they occur, the feelings that pass through them and the actions they take, are the ones who are not lazy. So, one can be very active and still be very lazy, or one can be not active at all, but be very diligent. It is simply about being mindful and finely tuned in to the present moment.
(Copied from this site)
PS: I know, easier said than done. Specially when one isn't wearing your shoes... High heels?![]()
Dobro you're so right. But you see the other thing we have to contend with when we do nothing is other people. They call us lazy, not pro-active enough, they want to know exactly how much effort we're making to move - its hard not to be affected by that just a little - and to wonder if they're right.
But anyway its hard enough for you now with Chris on your case - calling you 'slack'so I thought I better ease up anyway even if I do differ - otherwise it may have karmic consequences
Well yet again you're right Dobro.![]()
Whilst of course Dobro is rightD) sometimes it's not so easy to tell those closest to you "screw 'em"! lol Maybe telling them you're 'considering your options' will give you some breathing space from the questioning?
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