...life can be translucent


Memorizing the I Ching Hexagram 11. T'ai / Peace


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Jun 3, 2006
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Hexagram 11. Tai' / Peace


PEACE. The small departs,
The great approaches.
Good fortune. Success.


May 28, 2006
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I like Hilary's "Flowing" as 11's hexagram name (I currently have "Passing Through" myself). I'd appreciate seeing how "Peace" would fit with each line.


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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I was just saying in Yi-Toons that I like Alfred Huangs interpretation of the name for 11: "Advance", which is closer to Hilary's take on it.



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Aug 2, 1972
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In my experience, peace has to be dynamic - in balanced motion - or it deteriorates into stagnation. I think that "the small departs, the great approaches" could be seen as indicating this. In one's consciousness it's possible to approach the dao and experience this kind of peace, and receive blessings.

Is this hex related to "the well" ?



Oct 2, 1971
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I wonder if "total change' would be a good name for this hexagram. Although 'peace' seems okay if we understand it like Rinda does.
Energy moves from yang to yin, so with the bottom trigram all yang and the top trigram all yin one would expect a very strong ('upward') flow or current that changes the situation very much.

When I get hexagram 11 as an answer to a question I usually consider the possibility that the IC is telling me something like this:
"Your question is based on the assumption that the future will be more or less like the present or the past. But everything is changing now and the future will be very different. There will be other - new - questions then, not this one. You will think with other concepts and look at things from a different perspective.
So ... perhaps better forget that question now? You will see, later!"

A friend once received hexagram 11 (I don't remember if there were changing lines) when he asked about an old man that didn't show up at a party. It later turned out that the man had died.
Peace, yes, and total change.


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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I understand "peace", other than the absence of violent confrontation, peaceful rest (as Martin mentions) and other similar acceptions of the word, as the state of reaching a goal. One of the reasons I like "Advance" as a name for 11. In this sense, Hex11 is similar, in several aspects, to Hex63.


dobro p

May 19, 1972
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I think it's more like Pervading (Karcher's term), or Immanence (my term), if you think of Pervading or Immanence as a form of communicating. Think of the way Heaven communicates to Earth. It's not in words or messages so much as in energy which pervades everything, energy which is immanent in everything. Of course, the 'energy' I talk about is how we perceive it. Who knows what it is really. Not me. But I reach for a meaning.

I think Hilary's onto something with 'Flow'. For me, 11 is a cross between flow and communication, heaven flowing/communicating/pervading/immanent in Earth.

Something interesting for me about 11 is that the name of the hex doesn't crop up in any of the lines, or in any of the other hexes either.


May 28, 2006
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I have as possible meanings for the hexagram name 泰:
quiet, calm, leisurely, peaceful / pass through, permeate / large, grand, big / proud, pompous, arrogant


Earth isn’t the only one who receives. Since her direction is downward (gravity), heaven also receives. I see 11 as intercourse, heaven in earth. Then there is neither me nor thou, hence unity. Too bad it doesn’t last long, but maybe for the old man who missed the party it did.


May 28, 2006
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bruce_g said:
I see 11 as intercourse, heaven in earth. Then there is neither me nor thou, hence unity.
Wilhelm has for the IMAGE:
Heaven and earth unite: the image of Peace.
Thus the ruler
Divides and completes the course of heaven and earth;
He furthers and regulates the gifts of heaven and earth,
And so aids the people.
The Chinese character 交 that he has translated with "unite," does have that meaning, but also "interact." I have for it: exchange, to bargain, to barter / submit to, commit to, hand over to / have relations with, interact, associate, friendship / join, intertwine, intersect, engage, interlock


"T'AI : spread and reach everywhere, permeate, diffuse; communicate; great, extensive, abundant, prosperous; smooth, slippery; extreme, extravagant, prodigal. Mount T'AI in eastern China was a sacred mountain connecting heaven and earth. The emperor made offerings there to establish harmony between humans and the great spirits. The ideogram: person in water, connected to the universal medium."ERANOS p186

The ideogram is the clue, especially when we use the binary sequence and so the octet of heaven. The order is:

11, 26, 05, 09, 34, 14, 43, 01

Due to the self-referencing of yin/yang to create the sequence, each octet is a microcosm of the main sequence and so we can use the same analysis methods - thus 11 is the 'yin' end and 01 is the 'yang'' end. GIven this, so 11 is more about POTENTIALS whereas 01 is the ACTUAL and so the high energy expression.

All of the hexagrams in this octet cover issues of perseverence, singlemindedness and a focus on mediation activities. 11, with its reference to the ideogram, focuses on harmonising/balancing NOT harmony/balance but on the ACT as a focus on what is to come.

In the full binary sequence hexagram 11 opposes hexagram 12. In 12 the focus is on neutralising in that the idea is to retain current belief systems, to NOT change. To not mediate change but to stay put.

the PAIR of 11 and 26 cover maintaining/mediating harmony unconditionally (11) or conditionally (26). In 26 the analogy is to 'holding firm' through use of 'traditions' etc

When we map personas to the binary sequence, the 01 'type' is associated with trouble-shooters, negotiators, and so mediators BUT the focus in 01 is to get off on the act of mediation in that it serves to refine one's skills. Here in 11 we are in a preparatory state or a 'lite' mediation state.

Move into XOR and the infrastructure of 11 is described by analogy to hexagram 18 - correcting corruptions - and so the focus on harmonising by 'correcting' errors.

The source of nourishment of 11 is described by analogy to 03 and so a focus on 'sprouting' and so dealing with 'difficult beginnings' through mediation.

The OUTSIDE of 11 is described by analogy to 04 - masking, socialising ; the act of mediation will put on the 'best fit' for something/someone - we make things look 'good' and/or acceptable.

On the INSIDE of 11 we find a 'look' described by analogy to 49 - unmasking, revealing the 'hidden', what is behind, underneath and in doing so mediating harmony/balance.

11 starts with, keeps coming back to, a state described by analogy to 46 - a focus on getting more entangled, pushing 'upwards' and so a sense of refinement. As stated above there is an aire of refining skills (heaven is competitive)

The full spectrum is:

00 :: (02) : What is this hexagrams's potential form? :: 11
01 :: (24) : How does this hexagram 'start', express 'beginning'? :: 46
02 :: (07) : How does this hexagram express uniformity, establishment of? :: 36
03 :: (19) : How does this hexagram express approaching the 'high'; defer to the 'low'? :: 15
04 :: (15) : How does this hexagram level things out, keep words close to facts? :: 19
05 :: (36) : How does this hexagram protect its 'light' when not its time? :: 7
06 :: (46) : How does this hexagram become more entangled with something/someone? :: 24
07 :: (11) : How does this hexagram balance/harmonise, mediate? :: 2
08 :: (16) : How does this hexagram express foresight/planning? :: 34
09 :: (51) : How does this hexagram express surprise, enlightenment, shock? :: 32
10 :: (40) : How does this hexagram express tension release through relaxing structure? :: 55
11 :: (54) : How does this hexagram expend early energy, imaturity? :: 62
12 :: (62) : How does this hexagram express overacting to establish unconditional loyalty? :: 54
13 :: (55) : How does this hexagram deal with abundance/overflowing? :: 40
14 :: (32) : How does this hexagram express commitment? :: 51
15 :: (34) : How does this hexagram actively invigorate others? :: 16
16 :: (08) : How does this hexagram passively attract? :: 5
17 :: (03) : How does this hexagram 'sprout'? :: 48
18 :: (29) : How does this hexagram assert containment/control? :: 63
19 :: (60) : How does this hexagram standardise? :: 39
20 :: (39) : How does this hexagram obstruct, go against, stand up to, the flow? :: 60
21 :: (63) : How does this hexagram complete, 'get it right'? :: 29
22 :: (48) : Where does this hexagram get its nutrition, what sustains it, keeps it going? :: 3
23 :: (05) : How does this hexagram wait for opportunity to come? :: 8
24 :: (45) : How does this hexagram celebrate its 'faith'? :: 43
25 :: (17) : How does this hexagram find a faith? What is its faith? :: 28
26 :: (47) : How does this hexagram integrate with the context, be it by choice or otherwise? :: 49
27 :: (58) : How does this hexagram express itself intensely, self-reflect? :: 31
28 :: (31) : How does this hexagram 'woo', express restrained enticement? :: 58
29 :: (49) : How does this hexagram reveal, unmask? :: 47
30 :: (28) : How does this hexagram express excess, go beyond what is required? :: 17
31 :: (43) : How does this hexagram 'seed', spread the word? :: 45
32 :: (23) : How does this hexagram 'housekeep', clear chaff to bring out the wheat? :: 26
33 :: (27) : What is the basic, skelatal form of this hexagram, The mud from which it has emerged? :: 18
34 :: (04) : How does this hexagram learn social skills? :: 22
35 :: (41) : How does this hexagram achieve clarity, concentration, distillation? :: 52
36 :: (52) : How does this hexagram express blocking, discernment? :: 41
37 :: (22) : What does this hexagram look like, how does it present itself to the outside? :: 4
38 :: (18) : How does this hexagram correct corruption, express that correction? :: 27
39 :: (26) : How does this hexagram express 'holding firm' to traditions? :: 23
40 :: (35) : How does this hexagram bring something into the 'light'? :: 14
41 :: (21) : How does this hexagram resolve problems? :: 50
42 :: (64) : How does this hexagram remain 'open', mis-sequence? :: 30
43 :: (38) : How does this hexagram 'mirror', deal with opposition? :: 56
44 :: (56) : How does this hexagram demonstrate conditional loyalty; loyalty at a distance? :: 38
45 :: (30) : How does this hexagram express guidance/direction setting? :: 64
46 :: (50) : How does this hexagram express conversion of the raw to the cooked, transformation? :: 21
47 :: (14) : How does this hexagram manage from the centre? Direct operations? Push ideology? :: 35
48 :: (20) : How does this hexagram elicit admiration and so invigorate others passively? :: 9
49 :: (42) : How does this hexagram reflect augmentation? :: 57
50 :: (59) : How does this hexagram make things clear, dispell illusions? lift the fog? :: 37
51 :: (61) : How does this hexagram express empathy? yielding, soft core, hard exterior? :: 53
52 :: (53) : How does this hexagram express gradual development, maturity? :: 61
53 :: (37) : How does this hexagram reflect rigid structure as a form of tension release? :: 59
54 :: (57) : How does this hexagram cultivate and become influencial? :: 42
55 :: (09) : How does this hexagram express making small gains to be noticed? :: 20
56 :: (12) : How does this hexagram neutralise attacks on its core beliefs? :: 1
57 :: (25) : How does this hexagram stand up to say its piece, ignoring consequences, disentangle? :: 44
58 :: (06) : How does this hexagram compromise, meet half way? :: 13
59 :: (10) : How does this hexagram traverse a path carefully? :: 33
60 :: (33) : How does this hexagram draw-in its enemies, competitively entice? :: 10
61 :: (13) : How does this hexagram express association with the likeminded? :: 6
62 :: (44) : How does this hexagram persuade/seduce? :: 25
63 :: (01) : How does this hexagram express singlemindedness, competitiveness? :: 12

Last edited:


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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Hex. 11



Heaven and earth unite: the image of PEACE.
Thus the ruler
Divides and completes the course of heaven and earth,
He furthers and regulates the gifts of heaven and
And so aids the people.



What I like about your “passing through” is that it evolves to 12. Heaven and earth unite through intercourse, but it doesn’t stop there. Heaven continues his upward motion, and earth continues her downward motion. They “pass through” each other until they become 12. Sounds unfortunate, but it’s what happens when we’re born.


If no one minds that I get a little trippy with this - I think what the sage dudes had in mind with this, is soul migration or reincarnation. After becoming separate through birth, we spend our lives trying to (re)attach to people and things (13). The sense of attachment brings transient joy, like having a companion while on the road back to wholeness. I think Hinduism and Buddhism recognize this process, and seek to transcend the cycle, attaining permanent wholeness. But I think this is where the Yi dudes really stood out, and possibly some Zen schools did as well, showing that self need not be destroyed, if it can be freely and creatively lived.

Thus the ruler
Divides and completes the course of heaven and earth,
He furthers and regulates the gifts of heaven and earth,
And so aids the people.

So it isn't only passing through, it's also furthering the Creative in the creative process. And it's this pleasure the noble seeks.


May 28, 2006
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Bruce - Interesting thought about the passing through of Heaven and Earth.

This is my current translation of the hex. 11's Image.
Heaven and Earth interact: Passing Through.
The sovereign, by deciding, accomplishes Heaven and Earth's way.
Assisting each other, Heaven and Earth harmonize,
in order to support and assist the people.


ewald said:
Bruce - Interesting thought about the passing through of Heaven and Earth.

This is my current translation of the hex. 11's Image.
Heaven and Earth interact: Passing Through.
The sovereign, by deciding, accomplishes Heaven and Earth's way.
Assisting each other, Heaven and Earth harmonize,
in order to support and assist the people.

Love it.


IC+ Image

"[With perseverence comes trust] : [Balancing]. One uses wealth to help accomplish the path of Heaven and Earth. One uses encouragement to help harmoniously bring together Heaven and Earth. One uses the 'left' to 'right' the common people."

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Chris, you cite Eranos for your word list. I've got the Ritsema/Karcher lexicon. (I call it a lexicon rather than an I Ching, cuz it lacks interpretation or commentary on the hexes and lines; but it's been invaluable for me.) Which one is the Eranos one you refer to?


The first edition hard cover of Ritsema/Karcher. I spoke to Ritsema when it was published and he said they sold the rights to Element books. When the 'split' came Karcher went with Element and has used the material in various forms since. Ritsema has since done a new version with ??? (forgotten name -Saba...?)



One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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lightofreason said:
The first edition hard cover of Ritsema/Karcher. I spoke to Ritsema when it was published and he said they sold the rights to Element books. When the 'split' came Karcher went with Element and has used the material in various forms since. Ritsema has since done a new version with ??? (forgotten name -Saba...?)


With "Shantena Augusto Sabbadini", a mammoth book, nicely written too.



One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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Here is the link to Amazon: The original I Ching Oracle by Ritsema-Sabbadini. As the previous one by Ritsema, before Eranos selling his original translation with Karcher to Elements, this book is also sponsored by the Eranos Foundation.


dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Thanks for the link, Sparhawk. I think I'm going to get that one. It looks really good.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Hmm...thanks for the link. I think I'm going to *look* carefully at that one lol.


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Jun 3, 2006
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When ribbon grass is pulled up, the sod comes with it.
Each according to his kind.
Undertakings bring good fortune.


One of those men your mother warned you about...
Clarity Supporter
Sep 17, 1971
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willowfox said:
It would be a good idea to read the following review of this book first before buying.


Steve's review, extensive and well written, is a nice caveat to have if you are counting your pennies and would rather buy something else. The book is, nevertheless, a nice addition to a Yi library. Steve's advise, summarized at the bottom, is mainly not to rely entirely on this translation. As a matter of fact, most of us --if you give some serious thought to the study of the YI and are one step above coin tossing for the sake of see them fall -- don't rely on any particular one...


dobro p

May 19, 1972
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Steve's review is also kinda bitchy, but it's just a review, so entertainment value is allowed lol.

"Frankly, this work can only be of interest to those who want to experience the illusion of feeling close to the Chinese of the Yijing but without the bother of learning Chinese. The trouble is, it leads people to overestimate the potential for making a personal translation without understanding the language. Since the 1994 edition many have at first been excited by the prospect of seeming to translate the Yi for themselves, but the excitement soon runs out of steam, since the chances of producing an accurate translation of the Chinese by this method is akin to giving someone a pile of bricks in the expectation they will be able to build a house. So I see this book as a reference work best used in conjunction with other materials, rather than a useable version of the Yijing in itself, although it is certainly intended by its authors to be used alone in direct consultation."

Yeah, I see it primarily as a reference work as well, but I put a very positive value on it, because no other version of the Yi that I've bought has allowed me to begin to see the range of meanings contained in each character, and I think that deserves applause. But Steve is *really* knowledgeable about the Yi - he can spot anomalies at fifty paces and he's obviously got some very clear (or at least definite) ideas about the meanings of the characters in the oracle - and I really enjoyed the review, and have been delving into the other reviews on his site (more enjoyment). But has Steve got a version of the Yi that he's done himself? Or does he just review others? I did a search but came up with nothing.

Finally, I think it's time I got seriously into Bradford's site. Steve links to it, and I want a 'second lexicon' to consult.

dobro p

May 19, 1972
Reaction score
Okay...I just checked out Bradford's matrix version of Hex 5 and compared the meanings he offers with the version I've come up with using the approach I described in the above post. There's quite a bit of...how shall I put it...variation between his and mine. lol

Excuse me, I may be some time... lol

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