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Make your life durable
53 - Vouch for your life, every single second
54 - Accept and take care of short terms for the sake of long terms
'Gradual Progress: the marrying woman waits for the man to act.'
'Marrying Maiden: completion for the woman.'
These are two different experiences of marriage: The Marrying Maiden must adapt to a sudden change of state, but in a time of Gradual Progress you must wait - perhaps for a partner who moves at a slower pace, perhaps for some part of yourself to catch up with your resolution. For there to be a real union, the two must travel and arrive together.
A tranquil and meditative attitude, KEN, in the lower trigram, creates small but penetrating influences, SUN, above. Without change, the hexagram DEVELOPING suggests that you are involved in a slow, organic unfolding of events in regard to the object of your enquiry. You must take a very traditional, well-trod, and usually slow path to reach your objective. This requires persistence and a constant and principled nature. There are no shortcuts in the journey ahead.
I particularly recall 53uc for a question concerning getting my deposit back from a landlady. I think at the time I was a bit concerned she might say I didn't give enough notice and I was slightly anxious about the whole procedure of notice giving/return of deposit etc etc. 53uc reassured me as I took it that she would follow all the steps of the process in the formal way. For me this meant waiting and being patient with, bearing with, her following the usual prescribed procedure in our landlady/tenant contract. This was some time ago so I have forgotten details but that was it more or less. The reading has stayed with me because she did follow the procedure of receiving notice/date of deposit return and so on as laid out in the contract. It surprised me somewhat as generally she wasn't the type of person to do that. It all turned out fine.
[Trojina - would you like me to make this a separate thread and link to it here? I posted it here because the ideas of "taking your time" and "all things come to those who wait" are part of this thread; still, it's a tangent, and I'm happy to move it.]
In hex 5 the waiting may have nothing to do with ceremonial procedures (or things akin to ceremonial procedures)...
No, I hadn't! Good suggestion .Have you read the memorising threads ?
That does seem to have been the case in Arabella's example.H.5 also appears to be focused on nourishment gained from this waiting
Not so much this with Arabella's 5uc example, which went on for a long time, but - of course - length of time, in and of itself, is only one factor.My experience of 5 has often been a more precise affair i.e. a period of time with a beginning middle and end as opposed to 53 which has been a definite cycle of time either over months or more often, years.
That fits the trigrams and the Image - a tree (long-term growth) on top of a mountain (mountains are very Saturnine). That would fit well with one of my own situations I've gotten 53uc for (haven't posted it here because it's not resolved yet).53 has a slow, plodding quality of long term growth. It has a Saturine feel to me incorporating lessons and trials along the way.
You ascend one step then stop for a breather, then the next and the next over a definite cycle of growth; gradual, concrete advancement with every step which is somehow rooted in the earth, each stage a threshold in itself.
what's the difference between 53 and 46?
The situation described by this hexagram is characterized by a gradual and steady penetration extending it's influence by degrees, like water seeping into cracks.
Infiltrating: womanhood converting awaits manhood moving indeed.
Converting Maidenhood: the completion belonging to the woman indeed.
This man's watching TV one winter's night when he hears a small knock at the door. He finds a snail on the doorstep and picks it up. 'Brrr!' says the snail. 'Can I come in?' Which is creepy, so the man throws the snail over the garden wall.
Spring comes... summer passes... the nights draw in... and one night his TV viewing is interrupted by a knock at the door. He opens up - there's the snail again. It says, 'What did you do that for?
LOL! Like Groundhog Day Come to think of it that movie is a great illustration of 24.3...
Anyway, regarding 53UC in relationships, I can see the value of following a process, such as described in "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus". Perhaps a bit rational for such an emotional topic as love, but I thought it was a good illustration of 53UC in modern life. It makes sense, gradual progress, with a deepening of mutual appreciation and commitment over a period of maybe 18 months. That should be enough in most cases to know if you want to make a lasting commitment or not.
But my experiences with 53UC were glacial paced, nothing discernible to the human eye, and with lot of real life reasons to move on. So why would the Yi give me 53UC? Gradual progress, but towards what? Maybe just towards enlightenment, ie inner progress. Maybe the experience was valuable to both partners on some subliminal level, setting a standard, perhaps clarifying what we did NOT want? That's gradual progress in its own right. Maybe I'm just slow learner, hahaha!
My only explanation for those relationship 53UCs is that maybe Yi was flashing me a reminder "remember 53UC? You wanted a good relationship based on solid foundations. Not something inherently unstable or uncommitted. It takes two to build a relationship. So what process are you following with this partner? How is this situation taking you in the right direction? He may need some growing up... Is he showing any signs of moving in the right direction? Will sheer patience change anything? You decide if it's worth waiting for".
I asked "what if I hire this lawyer?" And got 53UC. I hired him. Well, he was stickler for process, and had high integrity. It took 8 months of legal hoops but we got to a favourable out of court settlement.
maybe Yi was flashing me a reminder "remember 53UC? You wanted a good relationship based on solid foundations. Not something inherently unstable or uncommitted. It takes two to build a relationship. So what process are you following with this partner? How is this situation taking you in the right direction? He may need some growing up... Is he showing any signs of moving in the right direction?
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