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The individual in the world
47 - The restrictions and challenges of being an individual
48 - The inspiration of the individual.
Confined forms a pair with Hexagram 48 the well:
'The well is wholly connected; confined means meeting together'.
By it's nature, the well is already limitlessly connected, while the confined tree must reach down towards the water table. Reaching inward you find help. Outwardly, the oppressive walls are unbroken - but what might the inner space open on to ?
TUI, pleasure, in the upper trigram of cosmic ideals, is moving up and out of reach of K'AN, difficulty, in the lower trigram of human affairs. When no changing lines are received, the implication is that, in regard to your inquiry, you are oppressed to the point of exhaustion. Continued ADVERSITY is increasingly disheartening. Nothing that you can say will make a difference. There is little you can do to significantly alter the situation. Only your inner strength can help you endure. Only you can know whether its worth it.
Maybe the tree looks like a prisoner, but he is a lucky prisoner. Maybe the wall at first seems stronger, but the tree at last, in the long term, always defeats the wall. The root is stronger than stone.
'Lake without water: Confined.
A noble one carries out the mandate, fulfils her aspiration.'
The lake water has all drained away into the stream below. Where there might have been a sparkling centre of vitality, communication and exchange, there is no water left - no energy for communication.
Even in such straits, a noble one is still active. The lake water drained downward and inward, merging with the stream in a single, strong current. In the same way, a noble one lets her mandate, what she is called to do - flow together with the aspiration of her own heart. The two strengthen one another and create an inner momentum that follows through to fulfilment.
Hi, Trojina:Yes..this is what is said in the Image, from Hilary's book
Do not you think so?
'OPPRESSION. Success. Perseverance.
The great man brings about good fortune.
No blame.
When one has something to say,
It is not believed.'
"When a strong man meets with adversity, he remains cheerful despite all danger, and this cheerfulness is the source of later successes; it is that stability which is stronger than fate. He who lets his spirit be broken by exhaustion certainly has no success"
"In the same way, a noble one lets her mandate, what she is called to do - flow together with the aspiration of her own heart. The two strengthen one another and create an inner momentum that follows through to fulfilment. "
I can't be sure, will have to have a better look, but I have the idea in it's unchanging form 47 more often indicates an actual literal restriction or confinement of some kind. I'm not saying that is always true it's just an impression I currently have.
self imposed disconnection from support or possibilities for life to flow on
Of course, it is, it means PRESSURE (1). Impression, expression, oppression, repression, are words. I don´t like the last two. Repression applied to texts means censorship and / or burning books.Is 'pression' a word ? Not sure.
I can't really answer you as I'm not focusing on alternative translations here just on how people have experienced 47uc. If I bend my tiny mind to alternative translations that are the reverse of other translations I get a bit side tracked.
But the interesting with an ancient chinese text is that it allows multiple translations, parallell discourses, crossed or opposite discourses, sometimes entangled ways of feeling and thinking. I believe in literal translation previous to interpretation, I don´t like alternative translations with the mere goal of going against accepted cannonical ideas.
I think one discovers the I Ching through experience not only translation ....I mean hopefully both together. I've asked you before if you consult Yi ? Do you ask questions ?
I agree with you that one discovers the I Ching using it. Sometimes even with bad translations. It happened to me. But soon I got Wilhelm/Malke (something like Wilhelm/Baynes but in spanish) I liked it and used it by more than 30 years during which I used it for myself, for friends, mainly girls, and for casual consults. It wasn't until I read LiSe's Book of Moon that I began to translate myself and to write.
I don't think you said. It would be great if you can supplement your ideas about the translation of 47 with some real life examples. That would be fun !
I don't keep records of consults and don't remember of getting H.47 unchanged, but when I got my first Chinese text, the Great Image, I made a quantitative lexical analysis (I am a psychologist and statistician). Ordering the chinese characters by frequency of occurrence I got a Chinese pseudo speech that ended with some sense, I don't know if deep, on character KUN, the surrounded the tree, that I no longer remember because I lost the copy. What I remember is the feeling that the tree was enjoying life in the middle of a secret garden and that the own life or destiny forced him to surpass his prison.
For myself I don't believe someone's translation without actually using it in real life and feeling my way into it.
My translations are applicable to real life, only that not the life of kings and knights but of common imperfect people always needy of love, health and money.
From time to time I´ve posted in shared readings, my advice always based in literal translation was not always rejected although sometimes I lack of good manners. I never claimed to be a master.
In fact I think we discover Yi through real life along side translation. That's why I want to hear your experiences with questions and answers.
If you want, ask. But beware, it can fail. And you will have always the last word if something doesn't fit to you. That's what I say to my occasional customers.
I can't be sure, will have to have a better look, but I have the idea in it's unchanging form 47 more often indicates an actual literal restriction or confinement of some kind. I'm not saying that is always true it's just an impression I currently have.
We agree, often but not always. Things change, the Change changes, impressions change.
All the best,
Ch.pres·sion noun \ˈpreshən\
Full Definition of PRESSION: pressing, pressure
Origin of PRESSION: Latin pression-, pressio, from pressus (past participle of premere to press) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at press
This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged.
What I remember is the feeling that the tree was enjoying life in the middle of a secret garden and that the own life or destiny forced him to surpass his prison.
Hi Trojina:That pretty much ties up with other's experiences here.
This concerns the deepest stratum of his being, for this alone is superior to all external fate
At 47 times in fact one is forced to find inner resources.
Dear Maria:I agree with that statement- its the feel of 47, as I have experienced it.
There are some similarities and some difference between 39 and 47. they share ,imo, a similar "stuck " sentiment; there are friends in 39 you can turn to, but 47 its more lonely. Its not only that you can be heard or been disconnect with other people but also that their words can't offer much practical help- its a time you understand you are Alone , as the saying "we're born alone, we live alone , we die alone"
Had to be confined for an extensive period of time. Two friends were really supportive and stood by me but when I was broken or about to break there was an individual with whom I could talk and he could listen about that Aloneness. Those times, I tried to reach that individual was really exhausted; It can be "mentally and physically" exhausting- agree with sooo. - and that person asked me a simple question and this , imo, is the underlined question- sort of - H47 asks : Die or Live
I'm afraid I do not fully agree with what you say. IMPOSSIBLE for we to be born alone or to live alone and I suppose it is also impossible to die alone. All we are social animals, if not always sociable. There are multiple BONDS among we, even if we are not aware of it.
And a tree is itself a world. Always sourrounded by life, say, LOVE. And there is even a bond with the WALL, no matters how hard she can press the TREE(2).
Don't you believe so?
Best wishes,
Correction: instead of the question be "Die or Live" the advice of KUN is, maybe, "Die or LOVE", or better, "We must LOVE, if not we would DIE"
Don't you believe so?
Best whishes,
I'm afraid I do not fully agree with what you say. IMPOSSIBLE for we to be born alone or to live alone and I suppose it is also impossible to die alone. All we are social animals, if not always sociable. There are multiple BONDS among we, even if we are not aware of it.
And a tree is itself a world. Always sourrounded by life, say, LOVE. And there is even a bond with the WALL, no matters how hard she can press the TREE(2).
Correction: instead of the question be "Die or Live" the advice of KUN is, maybe, "Die or LOVE", or better, "We must LOVE, if not we would DIE"
Don't you believe so?
Best whishes,
imo, is the underlined question- sort of - H47 asks : Die or Live
My faith is restored, that life in its most clear and vibrant sense awaits those who love God, or whatever one chooses to call that, and that friends and family await us with open arms to embrace us, and to rejoice, even family we've given up hope in having, perhaps extensions of ourselves, or we extensions of themselves, or extensions of one another. The water (in 47) has only dissipated from the surface, not from the springs, mountain snow runoffs and underground wells. Ours is a choice, to believe what we see or what we know, which extends far beyond the appearance of desolation.H47 , its about "death" sometimes, yet, you can see through it , what the word "life" means. ... when words are believed
Hi, Trojina:But you aren't in a position to correct Maria's own experience of 47. She lived her experience, you didn't. One can feel very alone in 47 as the text says. I am interested in how people experience 47uc, how they themselves feel it. Yes on one hand we are never truly alone and yet undeniably feeling and being alone is part of the human experience and part of what forces us to grow and develop inner resources...
Hi, Bruce:... The water (in 47) has only dissipated from the surface, not from the springs, mountain snow runoffs and underground wells. Ours is a choice, to believe what we see or what we know, which extends far beyond the appearance of desolation.
Agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because there are many friends for me to reach out to in general, but today that is not the solution: words will not help.
47uc, in my experience almost always refers to my state of mind rather than external conditions. It has also often referred to sadness, frustration and feelings of being hemmed in and trapped, where the only thing to do has been to re-enchant the situation from left-field. Yi has usually tossed me this one to sympathise and to say: "Look you are in the doldrums but you can find your way out of this if you don't give in to it." Or: "Buck up lad and pull yourself together." A bit like an army Sargent kicking my butt over the training wall after hanging there feeling helpless. And then you realise that despite all those grey clouds and falling rain, the mud and the obstacle course you come across the well of 48 and whadya know? The well is full again.
And then you climb into it and wait out the storm.
'Lake without water: Confined.
A noble one carries out the mandate, fulfils her aspiration.'
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